# !wget https://developer.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/9.0/Prod/local_installers/cuda-repo-ubuntu1604-9-0-local_9.0.176-1_amd64-deb
# !dpkg -i cuda-repo-ubuntu1604-9-0-local_9.0.176-1_amd64-deb
# !apt-key add /var/cuda-repo-9-0-local/7fa2af80.pub
# !apt update -q
# !apt install cuda gcc-6 g++-6 -y -q
# !ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-6 /usr/local/cuda/bin/gcc
# !ln -s /usr/bin/g++-6 /usr/local/cuda/bin/g++
# !curl -sSL "https://julialang-s3.julialang.org/bin/linux/x64/1.7/julia-1.7.3-linux-x86_64.tar.gz" -o julia.tar.gz
# !tar -xzf julia.tar.gz -C /usr --strip-components 1
# !rm -rf julia.tar.gz*
# !julia -e 'using Pkg; pkg"add IJulia; precompile"'

6. Analyzing RCT reemployment experiment#

6.1. Analyzing RCT data with Precision Adjustemnt#

6.1.1. Data#

In this lab, we analyze the Pennsylvania re-employment bonus experiment, which was previously studied in “Sequential testing of duration data: the case of the Pennsylvania ‘reemployment bonus’ experiment” (Bilias, 2000), among others. These experiments were conducted in the 1980s by the U.S. Department of Labor to test the incentive effects of alternative compensation schemes for unemployment insurance (UI).

In these experiments, UI claimants were randomly assigned either to a control group or one of five treatment groups. Actually, there are six treatment groups in the experiments. Here we focus on treatment group 4, but feel free to explore other treatment groups. In the control group the current rules of the UI applied. Individuals in the treatment groups were offered a cash bonus if they found a job within some pre-specified period of time (qualification period), provided that the job was retained for a specified duration. The treatments differed in the level of the bonus, the length of the qualification period, and whether the bonus was declining over time in the qualification period; see http://qed.econ.queensu.ca/jae/2000-v15.6/bilias/readme.b.txt for further details on data.

#import Pkg


using GLM, StatsModels
using DataTables
using DelimitedFiles, DataFrames, Lasso
using FilePaths
using StatsModels, Combinatorics
using CategoricalArrays
using StatsBase, Statistics
using TypedTables
using MacroTools
using NamedArrays
using PrettyTables # Dataframe or Datatable to latex
using TexTables # pretty regression table and tex outcome
# Loading data
url = "https://github.com/d2cml-ai/14.388_jl/raw/main/data/penn_jae.dat"
mat, head = readdlm(download(url), header=true, Float64)
df =DataFrame(mat, vec(head))

23 rows × 7 columns

#dimenntions of dataframe 

a = size(df,1)
b =  size(df,2)
# Filter control group and just treatment group number 4

penn = filter(row -> row[:tg] in [4,0], df)


20 rows × 23 columns (omitted printing of 14 columns)

# Treatment group n°4
replace!(penn.tg, 4 => 1)

rename!(penn, "tg" => "T4")

# from float to string
penn[!,:dep] = string.(penn[!,:dep]) 

# dep varaible in categorical format 
penn[!,:dep] = categorical(penn[!,:dep])


23 rows × 7 columns

9dep0.02.00CategoricalValue{String, UInt32}
23muld0.4442050.00.01.00Float64 Model#

To evaluate the impact of the treatments on unemployment duration, we consider the linear regression model:

\[ Y = D \beta_1 + W'\beta_2 + \varepsilon, \quad E \varepsilon (D,W')' = 0, \]

where \(Y\) is the log of duration of unemployment, \(D\) is a treatment indicators, and \(W\) is a set of controls including age group dummies, gender, race, number of dependents, quarter of the experiment, location within the state, existence of recall expectations, and type of occupation. Here \(\beta_1\) is the ATE, if the RCT assumptions hold rigorously.

We also consider interactive regression model:

\[ Y = D \alpha_1 + D W' \alpha_2 + W'\beta_2 + \varepsilon, \quad E \varepsilon (D,W', DW')' = 0, \]

where \(W\)’s are demeaned (apart from the intercept), so that \(\alpha_1\) is the ATE, if the RCT assumptions hold rigorously.

Under RCT, the projection coefficient \(\beta_1\) has the interpretation of the causal effect of the treatment on the average outcome. We thus refer to \(\beta_1\) as the average treatment effect (ATE). Note that the covariates, here are independent of the treatment \(D\), so we can identify \(\beta_1\) by just linear regression of \(Y\) on \(D\), without adding covariates. However we do add covariates in an effort to improve the precision of our estimates of the average treatment effect.

6.1.2. Analysis#

We consider

  • classical 2-sample approach, no adjustment (CL)

  • classical linear regression adjustment (CRA)

  • interactive regression adjusment (IRA)

and carry out robust inference using the estimatr R packages.

6.2. Carry out covariate balance check#

This is done using “lm_robust” command which unlike “lm” in the base command automatically does the correct Eicher-Huber-White standard errors, instead othe classical non-robus formula based on the homoscdedasticity command.

# couples variables combinations 
combinations_upto(x, n) = Iterators.flatten(combinations(x, i) for i in 1:n)

# combinations without same couple
expand_exp(args, deg::ConstantTerm) =
    tuple(((&)(terms...) for terms in combinations_upto(args, deg.n))...)

StatsModels.apply_schema(t::FunctionTerm{typeof(^)}, sch::StatsModels.Schema, ctx::Type) =
    apply_schema.(expand_exp(t.args_parsed...), Ref(sch), ctx)
# linear regression

reg1 = @formula(T4 ~ (female+black+othrace+dep+q2+q3+q4+q5+q6+agelt35+agegt54+durable+lusd+husd)^2)
reg1 = apply_schema(reg1, schema(reg1, penn))
  female(continuous) & black(continuous)
  female(continuous) & othrace(continuous)
  female(continuous) & dep(DummyCoding:3→2)
  female(continuous) & q2(continuous)
  female(continuous) & q3(continuous)
  female(continuous) & q4(continuous)
  female(continuous) & q5(continuous)
  female(continuous) & q6(continuous)
  female(continuous) & agelt35(continuous)
  female(continuous) & agegt54(continuous)
  female(continuous) & durable(continuous)
  female(continuous) & lusd(continuous)
  female(continuous) & husd(continuous)
  black(continuous) & othrace(continuous)
  black(continuous) & dep(DummyCoding:3→2)
  black(continuous) & q2(continuous)
  black(continuous) & q3(continuous)
  black(continuous) & q4(continuous)
  black(continuous) & q5(continuous)
  black(continuous) & q6(continuous)
  black(continuous) & agelt35(continuous)
  black(continuous) & agegt54(continuous)
  black(continuous) & durable(continuous)
  black(continuous) & lusd(continuous)
  black(continuous) & husd(continuous)
  othrace(continuous) & dep(DummyCoding:3→2)
  othrace(continuous) & q2(continuous)
  othrace(continuous) & q3(continuous)
  othrace(continuous) & q4(continuous)
  othrace(continuous) & q5(continuous)
  othrace(continuous) & q6(continuous)
  othrace(continuous) & agelt35(continuous)
  othrace(continuous) & agegt54(continuous)
  othrace(continuous) & durable(continuous)
  othrace(continuous) & lusd(continuous)
  othrace(continuous) & husd(continuous)
  dep(DummyCoding:3→2) & q2(continuous)
  dep(DummyCoding:3→2) & q3(continuous)
  dep(DummyCoding:3→2) & q4(continuous)
  dep(DummyCoding:3→2) & q5(continuous)
  dep(DummyCoding:3→2) & q6(continuous)
  dep(DummyCoding:3→2) & agelt35(continuous)
  dep(DummyCoding:3→2) & agegt54(continuous)
  dep(DummyCoding:3→2) & durable(continuous)
  dep(DummyCoding:3→2) & lusd(continuous)
  dep(DummyCoding:3→2) & husd(continuous)
  q2(continuous) & q3(continuous)
  q2(continuous) & q4(continuous)
  q2(continuous) & q5(continuous)
  q2(continuous) & q6(continuous)
  q2(continuous) & agelt35(continuous)
  q2(continuous) & agegt54(continuous)
  q2(continuous) & durable(continuous)
  q2(continuous) & lusd(continuous)
  q2(continuous) & husd(continuous)
  q3(continuous) & q4(continuous)
  q3(continuous) & q5(continuous)
  q3(continuous) & q6(continuous)
  q3(continuous) & agelt35(continuous)
  q3(continuous) & agegt54(continuous)
  q3(continuous) & durable(continuous)
  q3(continuous) & lusd(continuous)
  q3(continuous) & husd(continuous)
  q4(continuous) & q5(continuous)
  q4(continuous) & q6(continuous)
  q4(continuous) & agelt35(continuous)
  q4(continuous) & agegt54(continuous)
  q4(continuous) & durable(continuous)
  q4(continuous) & lusd(continuous)
  q4(continuous) & husd(continuous)
  q5(continuous) & q6(continuous)
  q5(continuous) & agelt35(continuous)
  q5(continuous) & agegt54(continuous)
  q5(continuous) & durable(continuous)
  q5(continuous) & lusd(continuous)
  q5(continuous) & husd(continuous)
  q6(continuous) & agelt35(continuous)
  q6(continuous) & agegt54(continuous)
  q6(continuous) & durable(continuous)
  q6(continuous) & lusd(continuous)
  q6(continuous) & husd(continuous)
  agelt35(continuous) & agegt54(continuous)
  agelt35(continuous) & durable(continuous)
  agelt35(continuous) & lusd(continuous)
  agelt35(continuous) & husd(continuous)
  agegt54(continuous) & durable(continuous)
  agegt54(continuous) & lusd(continuous)
  agegt54(continuous) & husd(continuous)
  durable(continuous) & lusd(continuous)
  durable(continuous) & husd(continuous)
  lusd(continuous) & husd(continuous)
m1 = lm(reg1, penn)
table = regtable( "Covariate Balance Check" => m1) # coeficientes, standar error, squared R, N (sample size )
                   | Covariate Balance Check 
                   |           (1)           
       (Intercept) |                  0.321* 
                   |                 (0.167) 
            female |                   0.104 
                   |                 (0.138) 
             black |                   0.072 
                   |                 (0.087) 
           othrace |                  -0.345 
                   |                 (0.294) 
          dep: 1.0 |                  -0.074 
                   |                 (0.218) 
          dep: 2.0 |                  -0.109 
                   |                 (0.165) 
                q2 |                  -0.027 
                   |                 (0.168) 
                q3 |                  -0.006 
                   |                 (0.167) 
                q4 |                   0.043 
                   |                 (0.168) 
                q5 |                   0.094 
                   |                 (0.167) 
                q6 |                  -0.222 
                   |                 (0.167) 
           agelt35 |                  -0.109 
                   |                 (0.135) 
           agegt54 |                  -0.437 
                   |                 (0.302) 
           durable |                  -0.125 
                   |                 (0.192) 
              lusd |                   0.038 
                   |                 (0.047) 
              husd |                   0.095 
                   |                 (0.080) 
    female & black |                 0.089** 
                   |                 (0.044) 
  female & othrace |                -0.414** 
                   |                 (0.201) 
 female & dep: 1.0 |                   0.055 
                   |                 (0.047) 
 female & dep: 2.0 |                   0.045 
                   |                 (0.041) 
       female & q2 |                  -0.189 
                   |                 (0.137) 
       female & q3 |                  -0.165 
                   |                 (0.137) 
       female & q4 |                  -0.176 
                   |                 (0.137) 
       female & q5 |                  -0.203 
                   |                 (0.136) 
       female & q6 |                  -0.043 
                   |                 (0.145) 
  female & agelt35 |                 0.073** 
                   |                 (0.030) 
  female & agegt54 |                   0.026 
                   |                 (0.051) 
  female & durable |                   0.020 
                   |                 (0.044) 
     female & lusd |                   0.002 
                   |                 (0.034) 
     female & husd |                   0.012 
                   |                 (0.037) 
   black & othrace |                   0.000 
                   |                   (NaN) 
  black & dep: 1.0 |                  -0.117 
                   |                 (0.071) 
  black & dep: 2.0 |                  -0.022 
                   |                 (0.063) 
        black & q2 |                  -0.033 
                   |                 (0.092) 
        black & q3 |                -0.197** 
                   |                 (0.089) 
        black & q4 |                  -0.125 
                   |                 (0.088) 
        black & q5 |                -0.210** 
                   |                 (0.087) 
        black & q6 |                   0.000 
                   |                   (NaN) 
   black & agelt35 |                   0.062 
                   |                 (0.046) 
   black & agegt54 |                   0.051 
                   |                 (0.082) 
   black & durable |                   0.105 
                   |                 (0.067) 
      black & lusd |                  -0.021 
                   |                 (0.055) 
      black & husd |                   0.250 
                   |                 (0.173) 
othrace & dep: 1.0 |                  -0.858 
                   |                 (0.615) 
othrace & dep: 2.0 |                   0.242 
                   |                 (0.212) 
      othrace & q2 |                 0.811** 
                   |                 (0.371) 
      othrace & q3 |                   0.000 
                   |                   (NaN) 
      othrace & q4 |                0.789*** 
                   |                 (0.296) 
      othrace & q5 |                   0.379 
                   |                 (0.286) 
      othrace & q6 |                   0.373 
                   |                 (0.353) 
 othrace & agelt35 |                   0.316 
                   |                 (0.217) 
 othrace & agegt54 |                   0.309 
                   |                 (0.254) 
 othrace & durable |                  -0.191 
                   |                 (0.230) 
    othrace & lusd |                  -0.091 
                   |                 (0.215) 
    othrace & husd |                   0.005 
                   |                 (0.329) 
     dep: 1.0 & q2 |                   0.166 
                   |                 (0.217) 
     dep: 2.0 & q2 |                   0.087 
                   |                 (0.165) 
     dep: 1.0 & q3 |                   0.121 
                   |                 (0.217) 
     dep: 2.0 & q3 |                   0.140 
                   |                 (0.165) 
     dep: 1.0 & q4 |                   0.085 
                   |                 (0.216) 
     dep: 2.0 & q4 |                   0.091 
                   |                 (0.166) 
     dep: 1.0 & q5 |                   0.110 
                   |                 (0.215) 
     dep: 2.0 & q5 |                   0.096 
                   |                 (0.164) 
     dep: 1.0 & q6 |                   0.101 
                   |                 (0.229) 
     dep: 2.0 & q6 |                   0.048 
                   |                 (0.175) 
dep: 1.0 & agelt35 |                  -0.074 
                   |                 (0.048) 
dep: 2.0 & agelt35 |                  -0.024 
                   |                 (0.038) 
dep: 1.0 & agegt54 |                  -0.081 
                   |                 (0.070) 
dep: 2.0 & agegt54 |                   0.028 
                   |                 (0.144) 
dep: 1.0 & durable |                  -0.060 
                   |                 (0.063) 
dep: 2.0 & durable |                 0.125** 
                   |                 (0.050) 
   dep: 1.0 & lusd |                   0.059 
                   |                 (0.052) 
   dep: 2.0 & lusd |                   0.052 
                   |                 (0.046) 
   dep: 1.0 & husd |                  -0.043 
                   |                 (0.057) 
   dep: 2.0 & husd |                 -0.088* 
                   |                 (0.050) 
           q2 & q3 |                   0.000 
                   |                   (NaN) 
           q2 & q4 |                   0.000 
                   |                   (NaN) 
           q2 & q5 |                   0.000 
                   |                   (NaN) 
           q2 & q6 |                   0.000 
                   |                   (NaN) 
      q2 & agelt35 |                   0.128 
                   |                 (0.135) 
      q2 & agegt54 |                  0.530* 
                   |                 (0.302) 
      q2 & durable |                   0.126 
                   |                 (0.190) 
         q2 & lusd |                   0.000 
                   |                   (NaN) 
         q2 & husd |                  -0.019 
                   |                 (0.080) 
           q3 & q4 |                   0.000 
                   |                   (NaN) 
           q3 & q5 |                   0.000 
                   |                   (NaN) 
           q3 & q6 |                   0.000 
                   |                   (NaN) 
      q3 & agelt35 |                   0.131 
                   |                 (0.135) 
      q3 & agegt54 |                   0.478 
                   |                 (0.301) 
      q3 & durable |                   0.054 
                   |                 (0.190) 
         q3 & lusd |                   0.022 
                   |                 (0.048) 
         q3 & husd |                  -0.060 
                   |                 (0.079) 
           q4 & q5 |                   0.000 
                   |                   (NaN) 
           q4 & q6 |                   0.000 
                   |                   (NaN) 
      q4 & agelt35 |                   0.131 
                   |                 (0.135) 
      q4 & agegt54 |                  0.540* 
                   |                 (0.300) 
      q4 & durable |                   0.096 
                   |                 (0.191) 
         q4 & lusd |                  -0.027 
                   |                 (0.049) 
         q4 & husd |                -0.172** 
                   |                 (0.080) 
           q5 & q6 |                   0.000 
                   |                   (NaN) 
      q5 & agelt35 |                   0.071 
                   |                 (0.134) 
      q5 & agegt54 |                   0.444 
                   |                 (0.300) 
      q5 & durable |                   0.075 
                   |                 (0.189) 
         q5 & lusd |               5.906e-05 
                   |                 (0.048) 
         q5 & husd |                -0.162** 
                   |                 (0.078) 
      q6 & agelt35 |                   0.170 
                   |                 (0.143) 
      q6 & agegt54 |                  0.566* 
                   |                 (0.311) 
      q6 & durable |                   0.256 
                   |                 (0.199) 
         q6 & lusd |                   0.076 
                   |                 (0.075) 
         q6 & husd |                   0.000 
                   |                   (NaN) 
 agelt35 & agegt54 |                   0.000 
                   |                   (NaN) 
 agelt35 & durable |                   0.009 
                   |                 (0.041) 
    agelt35 & lusd |                  -0.026 
                   |                 (0.035) 
    agelt35 & husd |                   0.035 
                   |                 (0.041) 
 agegt54 & durable |                  -0.062 
                   |                 (0.068) 
    agegt54 & lusd |                  -0.037 
                   |                 (0.057) 
    agegt54 & husd |                  -0.074 
                   |                 (0.063) 
    durable & lusd |                  -0.055 
                   |                 (0.044) 
    durable & husd |              -1.692e-04 
                   |                 (0.054) 
       lusd & husd |                   0.000 
                   |                   (NaN) 
                 N |                    5099 
             $R^2$ |                   0.029 

6.3. Model specification#

# No adjustment (2-sample approach)

ols_cl = lm(@formula(log(inuidur1) ~ T4), penn)

table1 = regtable( "No adjustment model" => ols_cl)   # 
            | No adjustment model 
            |         (1)         
(Intercept) |            2.057*** 
            |             (0.021) 
         T4 |            -0.085** 
            |             (0.036) 
          N |                5099 
      $R^2$ |               0.001 
# adding controls
# Omitted dummies: q1, nondurable, muld

reg2 = @formula(log(inuidur1) ~ T4 + (female+black+othrace+dep+q2+q3+q4+q5+q6+agelt35+agegt54+durable+lusd+husd)^2)
reg2 = apply_schema(reg2, schema(reg2, penn))

ols_cra = lm(reg2, penn)
table2 = regtable("CRA model" => ols_cra)
                   | CRA model 
                   |    (1)    
       (Intercept) |  2.633*** 
                   |   (0.420) 
                T4 |  -0.080** 
                   |   (0.036) 
            female |    -0.115 
                   |   (0.347) 
             black | -0.441*** 
                   |   (0.158) 
           othrace |    -0.883 
                   |   (0.903) 
          dep: 1.0 |    -0.720 
                   |   (0.550) 
          dep: 2.0 |    -0.041 
                   |   (0.417) 
                q2 |    -0.160 
                   |   (0.423) 
                q3 |    -0.540 
                   |   (0.422) 
                q4 |    -0.433 
                   |   (0.422) 
                q5 |    -0.345 
                   |   (0.420) 
                q6 |    -0.494 
                   |   (0.420) 
           agelt35 |   -0.626* 
                   |   (0.340) 
           agegt54 |    -0.361 
                   |   (0.760) 
           durable |    -0.279 
                   |   (0.483) 
              lusd |    -0.223 
                   |   (0.184) 
              husd |    -0.170 
                   |   (0.201) 
    female & black |    -0.155 
                   |   (0.111) 
  female & othrace |     0.310 
                   |   (0.507) 
 female & dep: 1.0 |    -0.028 
                   |   (0.118) 
 female & dep: 2.0 |     0.148 
                   |   (0.103) 
       female & q2 |    -0.087 
                   |   (0.346) 
       female & q3 |     0.205 
                   |   (0.345) 
       female & q4 |     0.273 
                   |   (0.345) 
       female & q5 |     0.061 
                   |   (0.344) 
       female & q6 |     0.287 
                   |   (0.366) 
  female & agelt35 |    0.126* 
                   |   (0.076) 
  female & agegt54 |     0.040 
                   |   (0.128) 
  female & durable |     0.068 
                   |   (0.112) 
     female & lusd |     0.084 
                   |   (0.085) 
     female & husd |     0.062 
                   |   (0.094) 
   black & othrace |     0.000 
                   |     (NaN) 
  black & dep: 1.0 |     0.157 
                   |   (0.180) 
  black & dep: 2.0 |    -0.104 
                   |   (0.160) 
        black & q2 |     0.000 
                   |     (NaN) 
        black & q3 |    -0.042 
                   |   (0.168) 
        black & q4 |     0.090 
                   |   (0.165) 
        black & q5 |    0.276* 
                   |   (0.162) 
        black & q6 |  -0.459** 
                   |   (0.233) 
   black & agelt35 |     0.015 
                   |   (0.115) 
   black & agegt54 |   0.444** 
                   |   (0.207) 
   black & durable |     0.244 
                   |   (0.168) 
      black & lusd |   0.291** 
                   |   (0.139) 
      black & husd |  1.315*** 
                   |   (0.437) 
othrace & dep: 1.0 |     1.074 
                   |   (1.549) 
othrace & dep: 2.0 |     0.007 
                   |   (0.533) 
      othrace & q2 |     0.000 
                   |     (NaN) 
      othrace & q3 |    -0.387 
                   |   (0.935) 
      othrace & q4 |    -0.301 
                   |   (0.789) 
      othrace & q5 |    -0.319 
                   |   (0.751) 
      othrace & q6 |   -1.744* 
                   |   (0.929) 
 othrace & agelt35 |   1.185** 
                   |   (0.547) 
 othrace & agegt54 |    -0.222 
                   |   (0.640) 
 othrace & durable |  1.628*** 
                   |   (0.579) 
    othrace & lusd |    -0.071 
                   |   (0.541) 
    othrace & husd |    -0.771 
                   |   (0.830) 
     dep: 1.0 & q2 |     0.640 
                   |   (0.548) 
     dep: 2.0 & q2 |    -0.044 
                   |   (0.415) 
     dep: 1.0 & q3 |     0.698 
                   |   (0.546) 
     dep: 2.0 & q3 |    -0.030 
                   |   (0.415) 
     dep: 1.0 & q4 |     0.504 
                   |   (0.544) 
     dep: 2.0 & q4 |     0.139 
                   |   (0.417) 
     dep: 1.0 & q5 |     0.528 
                   |   (0.542) 
     dep: 2.0 & q5 |    -0.170 
                   |   (0.413) 
     dep: 1.0 & q6 |    1.095* 
                   |   (0.578) 
     dep: 2.0 & q6 |     0.341 
                   |   (0.441) 
dep: 1.0 & agelt35 |     0.075 
                   |   (0.122) 
dep: 2.0 & agelt35 |     0.033 
                   |   (0.096) 
dep: 1.0 & agegt54 |     0.072 
                   |   (0.175) 
dep: 2.0 & agegt54 |     0.157 
                   |   (0.362) 
dep: 1.0 & durable |    0.295* 
                   |   (0.158) 
dep: 2.0 & durable |     0.045 
                   |   (0.126) 
   dep: 1.0 & lusd |     0.150 
                   |   (0.131) 
   dep: 2.0 & lusd |     0.183 
                   |   (0.116) 
   dep: 1.0 & husd |     0.081 
                   |   (0.143) 
   dep: 2.0 & husd |     0.152 
                   |   (0.125) 
           q2 & q3 |     0.000 
                   |     (NaN) 
           q2 & q4 |     0.000 
                   |     (NaN) 
           q2 & q5 |     0.000 
                   |     (NaN) 
           q2 & q6 |     0.000 
                   |     (NaN) 
      q2 & agelt35 |     0.430 
                   |   (0.340) 
      q2 & agegt54 |     0.671 
                   |   (0.762) 
      q2 & durable |    -0.106 
                   |   (0.479) 
         q2 & lusd |    -0.043 
                   |   (0.190) 
         q2 & husd |    -0.042 
                   |   (0.202) 
           q3 & q4 |     0.000 
                   |     (NaN) 
           q3 & q5 |     0.000 
                   |     (NaN) 
           q3 & q6 |     0.000 
                   |     (NaN) 
      q3 & agelt35 |     0.454 
                   |   (0.340) 
      q3 & agegt54 |     0.866 
                   |   (0.759) 
      q3 & durable |     0.245 
                   |   (0.479) 
         q3 & lusd |     0.086 
                   |   (0.187) 
         q3 & husd |     0.170 
                   |   (0.200) 
           q4 & q5 |     0.000 
                   |     (NaN) 
           q4 & q6 |     0.000 
                   |     (NaN) 
      q4 & agelt35 |     0.388 
                   |   (0.339) 
      q4 & agegt54 |     0.555 
                   |   (0.757) 
      q4 & durable |     0.217 
                   |   (0.481) 
         q4 & lusd |    -0.095 
                   |   (0.188) 
         q4 & husd |    -0.121 
                   |   (0.201) 
           q5 & q6 |     0.000 
                   |     (NaN) 
      q5 & agelt35 |     0.278 
                   |   (0.337) 
      q5 & agegt54 |     0.451 
                   |   (0.755) 
      q5 & durable |     0.288 
                   |   (0.477) 
         q5 & lusd |    -0.104 
                   |   (0.186) 
         q5 & husd |    -0.152 
                   |   (0.197) 
      q6 & agelt35 |     0.338 
                   |   (0.361) 
      q6 & agegt54 |     0.949 
                   |   (0.783) 
      q6 & durable |     0.409 
                   |   (0.503) 
         q6 & lusd |     0.000 
                   |     (NaN) 
         q6 & husd |     0.000 
                   |     (NaN) 
 agelt35 & agegt54 |     0.000 
                   |     (NaN) 
 agelt35 & durable |     0.025 
                   |   (0.104) 
    agelt35 & lusd |    -0.065 
                   |   (0.089) 
    agelt35 & husd |     0.058 
                   |   (0.102) 
 agegt54 & durable |     0.032 
                   |   (0.170) 
    agegt54 & lusd |    -0.148 
                   |   (0.143) 
    agegt54 & husd |   -0.302* 
                   |   (0.158) 
    durable & lusd |     0.116 
                   |   (0.110) 
    durable & husd |    0.238* 
                   |   (0.136) 
       lusd & husd |     0.000 
                   |     (NaN) 
                 N |      5099 
             $R^2$ |     0.060 
# demean function

function desv_mean(a)
    A = mean(a, dims = 1)
    M = zeros(Float64, size(X,1), size(X,2))
    for i in 1:size(a,2)
          M[:,i] = a[:,i] .- A[i]
    return M

# Matrix Model & demean
X = StatsModels.modelmatrix(reg1.rhs,penn)
X = desv_mean(X) # matrix format 
5099×119 Matrix{Float64}:
 -0.404001  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179  …  -0.0543244  -0.0280447  0.0
 -0.404001  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179     -0.0543244  -0.0280447  0.0
 -0.404001  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179     -0.0543244  -0.0280447  0.0
 -0.404001  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179     -0.0543244  -0.0280447  0.0
 -0.404001  -0.121985  -0.00725632   0.887821      0.945676   -0.0280447  0.0
  0.595999  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179  …  -0.0543244  -0.0280447  0.0
  0.595999  -0.121985  -0.00725632   0.887821     -0.0543244  -0.0280447  0.0
  0.595999  -0.121985  -0.00725632   0.887821     -0.0543244  -0.0280447  0.0
  0.595999  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179     -0.0543244  -0.0280447  0.0
  0.595999  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179     -0.0543244  -0.0280447  0.0
  0.595999  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179  …  -0.0543244  -0.0280447  0.0
  0.595999  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179     -0.0543244  -0.0280447  0.0
  0.595999  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179     -0.0543244  -0.0280447  0.0
  ⋮                                            ⋱                          
  0.595999  -0.121985   0.992744    -0.112179      0.945676   -0.0280447  0.0
  0.595999  -0.121985   0.992744    -0.112179      0.945676   -0.0280447  0.0
 -0.404001  -0.121985   0.992744    -0.112179     -0.0543244  -0.0280447  0.0
  0.595999  -0.121985   0.992744    -0.112179  …  -0.0543244  -0.0280447  0.0
 -0.404001   0.878015  -0.00725632  -0.112179     -0.0543244  -0.0280447  0.0
  0.595999   0.878015  -0.00725632  -0.112179     -0.0543244  -0.0280447  0.0
  0.595999  -0.121985   0.992744    -0.112179     -0.0543244  -0.0280447  0.0
 -0.404001  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179     -0.0543244  -0.0280447  0.0
 -0.404001  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179  …  -0.0543244  -0.0280447  0.0
 -0.404001  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179     -0.0543244  -0.0280447  0.0
 -0.404001  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179     -0.0543244  -0.0280447  0.0
 -0.404001  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179      0.945676   -0.0280447  0.0
Y = select(penn, [:inuidur1,:T4]) # select inuidur1 y T4

X = DataFrame(hcat(X, Matrix(select(penn, [:T4])).*X), :auto)  # Joint X, (T4*X)

base = hcat(Y, X) # Joint inuidur1, T4, X y (T4*X)

base.inuidur1 = log.(base.inuidur1)  # log(inuidur1)

terms = term.(names(base)) # term.() let us to get all variables as objects

#interactive regression model

ols_ira  = lm(terms[1] ~ sum(terms[2:end]), base)

table3 = regtable("Interactive model" => ols_ira)

#terms[1] : select first variable. In this case, oucome of interest 
#sum(terms[2:end]) : independent variables as regresors in the linear regression   
            | Interactive model 
            |        (1)        
(Intercept) |          2.058*** 
            |           (0.021) 
         T4 |          -0.076** 
            |           (0.036) 
         x1 |            -0.666 
            |           (0.443) 
         x2 |          -0.437** 
            |           (0.196) 
         x3 |            -1.735 
            |           (2.163) 
         x4 |             0.036 
            |           (0.682) 
         x5 |             0.212 
            |           (0.495) 
         x6 |            -0.255 
            |           (0.525) 
         x7 |            -0.621 
            |           (0.523) 
         x8 |            -0.480 
            |           (0.524) 
         x9 |            -0.372 
            |           (0.522) 
        x10 |            -0.677 
            |           (0.519) 
        x11 |            -0.678 
            |           (0.433) 
        x12 |            -0.304 
            |           (0.811) 
        x13 |            -0.838 
            |           (0.586) 
        x14 |            -0.099 
            |           (0.220) 
        x15 |            -0.063 
            |           (0.237) 
        x16 |            -0.215 
            |           (0.138) 
        x17 |             0.599 
            |           (0.889) 
        x18 |            -0.173 
            |           (0.145) 
        x19 |            0.217* 
            |           (0.127) 
        x20 |             0.392 
            |           (0.442) 
        x21 |             0.685 
            |           (0.441) 
        x22 |             0.721 
            |           (0.440) 
        x23 |             0.566 
            |           (0.439) 
        x24 |            0.908* 
            |           (0.465) 
        x25 |            0.170* 
            |           (0.094) 
        x26 |             0.236 
            |           (0.160) 
        x27 |             0.097 
            |           (0.138) 
        x28 |             0.072 
            |           (0.106) 
        x29 |             0.061 
            |           (0.117) 
        x30 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
        x31 |             0.109 
            |           (0.218) 
        x32 |            -0.201 
            |           (0.201) 
        x33 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
        x34 |            -0.097 
            |           (0.210) 
        x35 |             0.118 
            |           (0.215) 
        x36 |             0.233 
            |           (0.206) 
        x37 |            -0.427 
            |           (0.295) 
        x38 |             0.083 
            |           (0.142) 
        x39 |             0.423 
            |           (0.266) 
        x40 |           0.468** 
            |           (0.216) 
        x41 |            0.309* 
            |           (0.176) 
        x42 |             0.550 
            |           (0.712) 
        x43 |             2.520 
            |           (2.711) 
        x44 |             1.189 
            |           (1.465) 
        x45 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
        x46 |            -1.145 
            |           (1.896) 
        x47 |             1.777 
            |           (2.120) 
        x48 |            -1.111 
            |           (1.398) 
        x49 |            -2.083 
            |           (1.521) 
        x50 |             2.248 
            |           (1.395) 
        x51 |             0.820 
            |           (2.421) 
        x52 |           1.751** 
            |           (0.848) 
        x53 |            -0.694 
            |           (0.855) 
        x54 |            -0.180 
            |           (1.322) 
        x55 |             0.234 
            |           (0.682) 
        x56 |            -0.218 
            |           (0.492) 
        x57 |             0.154 
            |           (0.678) 
        x58 |            -0.254 
            |           (0.493) 
        x59 |            -0.024 
            |           (0.676) 
        x60 |            -0.162 
            |           (0.494) 
        x61 |             0.140 
            |           (0.674) 
        x62 |            -0.563 
            |           (0.489) 
        x63 |             0.483 
            |           (0.711) 
        x64 |            -0.005 
            |           (0.521) 
        x65 |             0.051 
            |           (0.151) 
        x66 |             0.119 
            |           (0.118) 
        x67 |             0.037 
            |           (0.213) 
        x68 |             0.223 
            |           (0.492) 
        x69 |            0.340* 
            |           (0.190) 
        x70 |             0.115 
            |           (0.162) 
        x71 |            -0.260 
            |           (0.166) 
        x72 |             0.115 
            |           (0.150) 
        x73 |            -0.043 
            |           (0.173) 
        x74 |             0.018 
            |           (0.151) 
        x75 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
        x76 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
        x77 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
        x78 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
        x79 |             0.501 
            |           (0.433) 
        x80 |             0.432 
            |           (0.813) 
        x81 |             0.262 
            |           (0.582) 
        x82 |            -0.068 
            |           (0.230) 
        x83 |            -0.182 
            |           (0.242) 
        x84 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
        x85 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
        x86 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
        x87 |             0.514 
            |           (0.432) 
        x88 |             0.725 
            |           (0.808) 
        x89 |             0.722 
            |           (0.582) 
        x90 |            -0.001 
            |           (0.226) 
        x91 |             0.099 
            |           (0.240) 
        x92 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
        x93 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
        x94 |             0.405 
            |           (0.431) 
        x95 |             0.247 
            |           (0.804) 
        x96 |             0.594 
            |           (0.584) 
        x97 |            -0.169 
            |           (0.229) 
        x98 |            -0.145 
            |           (0.240) 
        x99 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
       x100 |             0.216 
            |           (0.429) 
       x101 |             0.100 
            |           (0.802) 
       x102 |             0.854 
            |           (0.577) 
       x103 |            -0.259 
            |           (0.227) 
       x104 |            -0.174 
            |           (0.234) 
       x105 |             0.382 
            |           (0.454) 
       x106 |             0.836 
            |           (0.838) 
       x107 |            1.029* 
            |           (0.610) 
       x108 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
       x109 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
       x110 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
       x111 |            -0.003 
            |           (0.128) 
       x112 |            -0.057 
            |           (0.111) 
       x113 |             0.055 
            |           (0.124) 
       x114 |            -0.124 
            |           (0.207) 
       x115 |             0.091 
            |           (0.184) 
       x116 |            -0.315 
            |           (0.192) 
       x117 |            0.263* 
            |           (0.136) 
       x118 |            0.314* 
            |           (0.167) 
       x119 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
       x120 |           1.569** 
            |           (0.756) 
       x121 |            -0.168 
            |           (0.492) 
       x122 |             2.572 
            |           (2.328) 
       x123 |          -2.333** 
            |           (1.182) 
       x124 |            -0.562 
            |           (0.967) 
       x125 |             0.343 
            |           (0.935) 
       x126 |             0.292 
            |           (0.933) 
       x127 |             0.176 
            |           (0.933) 
       x128 |             0.104 
            |           (0.928) 
       x129 |             0.596 
            |           (0.942) 
       x130 |             0.184 
            |           (0.726) 
       x131 |             0.227 
            |           (0.580) 
       x132 |             1.159 
            |           (1.134) 
       x133 |            -0.138 
            |           (0.234) 
       x134 |            -0.447 
            |           (0.474) 
       x135 |             0.138 
            |           (0.237) 
       x136 |            -0.559 
            |           (1.301) 
       x137 |             0.396 
            |           (0.255) 
       x138 |            -0.108 
            |           (0.220) 
       x139 |           -1.329* 
            |           (0.753) 
       x140 |           -1.334* 
            |           (0.752) 
       x141 |           -1.268* 
            |           (0.753) 
       x142 |           -1.412* 
            |           (0.750) 
       x143 |          -1.709** 
            |           (0.805) 
       x144 |            -0.089 
            |           (0.166) 
       x145 |           -0.477* 
            |           (0.277) 
       x146 |            -0.077 
            |           (0.245) 
       x147 |            -0.037 
            |           (0.181) 
       x148 |            -0.152 
            |           (0.203) 
       x149 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
       x150 |             0.190 
            |           (0.407) 
       x151 |             0.290 
            |           (0.338) 
       x152 |             0.149 
            |           (0.505) 
       x153 |             0.309 
            |           (0.497) 
       x154 |             0.061 
            |           (0.484) 
       x155 |             0.303 
            |           (0.483) 
       x156 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
       x157 |            -0.170 
            |           (0.251) 
       x158 |             0.107 
            |           (0.435) 
       x159 |          -0.733** 
            |           (0.359) 
       x160 |             0.011 
            |           (0.294) 
       x161 |             1.364 
            |           (0.912) 
       x162 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
       x163 |            -1.402 
            |           (1.662) 
       x164 |            -2.175 
            |           (2.743) 
       x165 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
       x166 |           -4.744* 
            |           (2.577) 
       x167 |            -0.444 
            |           (1.955) 
       x168 |            -1.039 
            |           (2.548) 
       x169 |            -0.775 
            |           (1.813) 
       x170 |            -0.570 
            |           (2.814) 
       x171 |             0.378 
            |           (1.467) 
       x172 |             1.213 
            |           (1.265) 
       x173 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
       x174 |             1.434 
            |           (1.173) 
       x175 |             0.225 
            |           (0.967) 
       x176 |             1.720 
            |           (1.172) 
       x177 |             0.441 
            |           (0.965) 
       x178 |             1.661 
            |           (1.166) 
       x179 |             0.707 
            |           (0.974) 
       x180 |             1.155 
            |           (1.162) 
       x181 |             0.900 
            |           (0.965) 
       x182 |             1.945 
            |           (1.260) 
       x183 |             0.984 
            |           (1.038) 
       x184 |             0.038 
            |           (0.261) 
       x185 |            -0.268 
            |           (0.206) 
       x186 |             0.331 
            |           (0.384) 
       x187 |            -0.317 
            |           (0.755) 
       x188 |            -0.394 
            |           (0.359) 
       x189 |            -0.234 
            |           (0.271) 
       x190 |          1.135*** 
            |           (0.275) 
       x191 |             0.178 
            |           (0.243) 
       x192 |             0.374 
            |           (0.312) 
       x193 |            0.515* 
            |           (0.278) 
       x194 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
       x195 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
       x196 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
       x197 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
       x198 |            -0.302 
            |           (0.724) 
       x199 |             0.115 
            |           (0.610) 
       x200 |            -0.517 
            |           (1.121) 
       x201 |            -0.149 
            |           (0.260) 
       x202 |             0.532 
            |           (0.469) 
       x203 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
       x204 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
       x205 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
       x206 |            -0.226 
            |           (0.724) 
       x207 |            -0.194 
            |           (0.608) 
       x208 |            -0.849 
            |           (1.123) 
       x209 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
       x210 |             0.311 
            |           (0.466) 
       x211 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
       x212 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
       x213 |            -0.135 
            |           (0.724) 
       x214 |             0.353 
            |           (0.584) 
       x215 |            -0.628 
            |           (1.127) 
       x216 |            -0.012 
            |           (0.247) 
       x217 |             0.303 
            |           (0.470) 
       x218 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
       x219 |             0.097 
            |           (0.720) 
       x220 |             0.482 
            |           (0.580) 
       x221 |            -1.240 
            |           (1.120) 
       x222 |             0.301 
            |           (0.244) 
       x223 |             0.295 
            |           (0.462) 
       x224 |            -0.001 
            |           (0.794) 
       x225 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
       x226 |            -1.365 
            |           (1.178) 
       x227 |            -0.315 
            |           (0.428) 
       x228 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
       x229 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
       x230 |             0.144 
            |           (0.227) 
       x231 |            -0.014 
            |           (0.189) 
       x232 |             0.029 
            |           (0.224) 
       x233 |             0.545 
            |           (0.389) 
       x234 |           -0.579* 
            |           (0.302) 
       x235 |             0.191 
            |           (0.350) 
       x236 |            -0.374 
            |           (0.239) 
       x237 |            -0.338 
            |           (0.297) 
       x238 |             0.000 
            |             (NaN) 
          N |              5099 
      $R^2$ |             0.079 
X = StatsModels.modelmatrix(reg2.rhs,penn)
X = desv_mean(X)

D = DataFrame([X[:,1]], :auto)  # Treatment varaible

rename!(D, Dict(:x1 => :T4)) #rename x1 -> T4

X = DataFrame(hcat(X[:,2:end], X[:,1].*X[:,2:end]), :auto)  # Join Controls (X) + T4*X "interactive"

Y = select(penn, [:inuidur1]) #select just inuidur1

Y.inuidur1 = log.(Y.inuidur1)  # log(inuidur1)
5099-element Vector{Float64}:

6.4. Using HDMJL#

D_reg_0  = rlasso_arg( X, D, nothing, true, true, true, false, false, 
                    nothing, 1.1, nothing, 5000, 15, 10^(-5), -Inf, true, Inf, true )
rlasso_arg(5099×238 DataFrame
  Row  x1         x2         x3           x4         x5         x6         x7      │ Float64    Float64    Float64      Float64    Float64    Float64    Fl ⋯
    1 │ -0.404001  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179   0.836242  -0.203765  -0 ⋯
    2 │ -0.404001  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179  -0.163758  -0.203765  -0
    3 │ -0.404001  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179  -0.163758  -0.203765  -0
    4 │ -0.404001  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179  -0.163758  -0.203765   0
    5 │ -0.404001  -0.121985  -0.00725632   0.887821  -0.163758  -0.203765  -0 ⋯
    6 │  0.595999  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179  -0.163758  -0.203765  -0
    7 │  0.595999  -0.121985  -0.00725632   0.887821  -0.163758  -0.203765  -0
    8 │  0.595999  -0.121985  -0.00725632   0.887821  -0.163758  -0.203765  -0
    9 │  0.595999  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179  -0.163758   0.796235  -0 ⋯
   10 │  0.595999  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179  -0.163758  -0.203765   0
   11 │  0.595999  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179   0.836242  -0.203765  -0
  ⋮   │     ⋮          ⋮           ⋮           ⋮          ⋮          ⋮         ⋱
 5090 │ -0.404001  -0.121985   0.992744    -0.112179  -0.163758  -0.203765   0
 5091 │  0.595999  -0.121985   0.992744    -0.112179  -0.163758  -0.203765  -0 ⋯
 5092 │ -0.404001   0.878015  -0.00725632  -0.112179  -0.163758  -0.203765  -0
 5093 │  0.595999   0.878015  -0.00725632  -0.112179  -0.163758  -0.203765  -0
 5094 │  0.595999  -0.121985   0.992744    -0.112179   0.836242  -0.203765  -0
 5095 │ -0.404001  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179  -0.163758  -0.203765   0 ⋯
 5096 │ -0.404001  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179   0.836242   0.796235  -0
 5097 │ -0.404001  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179   0.836242   0.796235  -0
 5098 │ -0.404001  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179  -0.163758  -0.203765  -0
 5099 │ -0.404001  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179  -0.163758  -0.203765  -0 ⋯
                                               232 columns and 5078 rows omitted, 5099×1 DataFrame
  Row  T4        
      │ Float64   
    1 │ -0.342224
    2 │ -0.342224
    3 │ -0.342224
    4 │  0.657776
    5 │ -0.342224
    6 │ -0.342224
    7 │ -0.342224
    8 │ -0.342224
    9 │ -0.342224
   10 │ -0.342224
   11 │ -0.342224
  ⋮   │     ⋮
 5090 │  0.657776
 5091 │ -0.342224
 5092 │ -0.342224
 5093 │  0.657776
 5094 │ -0.342224
 5095 │  0.657776
 5096 │  0.657776
 5097 │ -0.342224
 5098 │  0.657776
 5099 │ -0.342224
 5078 rows omitted, nothing, true, true, true, false, false, nothing, 1.1, nothing, 5000, 15, 1.0000000000000003e-5, -Inf, true, Inf, true)
# Outcome HDM model

D_resid = rlasso(D_reg_0)
Dict{String, Any} with 19 entries:
  "tss"          => 1147.82
  "dev"          => [-0.342224, -0.342224, -0.342224, 0.657776, -0.342224, -0.3…
  "model"        => [-0.404001 -0.121985 … 0.0101738 0.0; -0.404001 -0.121985 ……
  "loadings"     => [0.232712 0.155595 … 0.0435631 0.0]
  "sigma"        => [0.474501]
  "lambda0"      => 637.701
  "lambda"       => 238×2 DataFrame…
  "intercept"    => 1.82896e-17
  "Xy"           => [-3.98137, 2.13669, 5.33771, -1.75211, 3.24299, -3.5707, -4…
  "iter"         => 4
  "residuals"    => [-0.342224, -0.342224, -0.342224, 0.657776, -0.342224, -0.3…
  "rss"          => 1147.82
  "index"        => [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0  …  0.0, …
  "beta"         => 238×2 DataFrame…
  "options"      => Dict{String, Any}("intercept"=>true, "post"=>true, "meanx"=…
  "x1"           => Matrix{Float64}(undef, 5099, 0)
  "pen"          => Dict{String, Any}("lambda0"=>637.701, "lambda"=>[148.401; 9…
  "startingval"  => [-0.342224, -0.342224, -0.342224, 0.657776, -0.342224, -0.3…
  "coefficients" => 239×2 DataFrame
D_resid = rlasso(D_reg_0)["residuals"]
5099-element Vector{Float64}:
Y_reg_0  = rlasso_arg( X, Y, nothing, true, true, true, false, false, 
                    nothing, 1.1, nothing, 5000, 15, 10^(-5), -Inf, true, Inf, true )
rlasso_arg(5099×238 DataFrame
  Row  x1         x2         x3           x4         x5         x6         x7      │ Float64    Float64    Float64      Float64    Float64    Float64    Fl ⋯
    1 │ -0.404001  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179   0.836242  -0.203765  -0 ⋯
    2 │ -0.404001  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179  -0.163758  -0.203765  -0
    3 │ -0.404001  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179  -0.163758  -0.203765  -0
    4 │ -0.404001  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179  -0.163758  -0.203765   0
    5 │ -0.404001  -0.121985  -0.00725632   0.887821  -0.163758  -0.203765  -0 ⋯
    6 │  0.595999  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179  -0.163758  -0.203765  -0
    7 │  0.595999  -0.121985  -0.00725632   0.887821  -0.163758  -0.203765  -0
    8 │  0.595999  -0.121985  -0.00725632   0.887821  -0.163758  -0.203765  -0
    9 │  0.595999  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179  -0.163758   0.796235  -0 ⋯
   10 │  0.595999  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179  -0.163758  -0.203765   0
   11 │  0.595999  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179   0.836242  -0.203765  -0
  ⋮   │     ⋮          ⋮           ⋮           ⋮          ⋮          ⋮         ⋱
 5090 │ -0.404001  -0.121985   0.992744    -0.112179  -0.163758  -0.203765   0
 5091 │  0.595999  -0.121985   0.992744    -0.112179  -0.163758  -0.203765  -0 ⋯
 5092 │ -0.404001   0.878015  -0.00725632  -0.112179  -0.163758  -0.203765  -0
 5093 │  0.595999   0.878015  -0.00725632  -0.112179  -0.163758  -0.203765  -0
 5094 │  0.595999  -0.121985   0.992744    -0.112179   0.836242  -0.203765  -0
 5095 │ -0.404001  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179  -0.163758  -0.203765   0 ⋯
 5096 │ -0.404001  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179   0.836242   0.796235  -0
 5097 │ -0.404001  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179   0.836242   0.796235  -0
 5098 │ -0.404001  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179  -0.163758  -0.203765  -0
 5099 │ -0.404001  -0.121985  -0.00725632  -0.112179  -0.163758  -0.203765  -0 ⋯
                                               232 columns and 5078 rows omitted, 5099×1 DataFrame
  Row  inuidur1 
      │ Float64  
    1 │  2.89037
    2 │  0.0
    3 │  3.29584
    4 │  2.19722
    5 │  3.29584
    6 │  3.29584
    7 │  2.19722
    8 │  3.29584
    9 │  2.70805
   10 │  3.3322
   11 │  2.48491
  ⋮   │    ⋮
 5090 │  2.99573
 5091 │  0.0
 5092 │  3.13549
 5093 │  2.56495
 5094 │  1.79176
 5095 │  2.30259
 5096 │  1.38629
 5097 │  2.19722
 5098 │  1.38629
 5099 │  3.29584
5078 rows omitted, nothing, true, true, true, false, false, nothing, 1.1, nothing, 5000, 15, 1.0000000000000003e-5, -Inf, true, Inf, true)
Y_resid = rlasso(Y_reg_0)["residuals"]

D_resid = reshape(D_resid, length(D_resid), 1)

Lasso_ira = lm(D_resid, Y_resid)
LinearModel{GLM.LmResp{Vector{Float64}}, GLM.DensePredChol{Float64, CholeskyPivoted{Float64, Matrix{Float64}}}}:

         Coef.  Std. Error      t  Pr(>|t|)  Lower 95%    Upper 95%
x1  -0.0788861   0.0355478  -2.22    0.0265  -0.148575  -0.00919709
# Comparative ATE estimation

table = NamedArray(zeros(4, 5))

table[1,2] = GLM.coeftable(ols_cl).cols[1][2]
table[2,2] = GLM.coeftable(ols_cl).cols[2][2]
table[3,2] = GLM.coeftable(ols_cl).cols[5][2]
table[4,2] = GLM.coeftable(ols_cl).cols[6][2]
table[1,3] = GLM.coeftable(ols_cra).cols[1][2]
table[2,3] = GLM.coeftable(ols_cra).cols[2][2]
table[3,3] = GLM.coeftable(ols_cra).cols[5][2]
table[4,3] = GLM.coeftable(ols_cra).cols[6][2]
table[1,4] = GLM.coeftable(ols_ira).cols[1][2]
table[2,4] = GLM.coeftable(ols_ira).cols[2][2]
table[3,4] = GLM.coeftable(ols_ira).cols[5][2]
table[4,4] = GLM.coeftable(ols_ira).cols[6][2]
table[1,5] = GLM.coeftable(Lasso_ira).cols[1][1]
table[2,5] = GLM.coeftable(Lasso_ira).cols[2][1]
table[3,5] = GLM.coeftable(Lasso_ira).cols[5][1]
table[4,5] = GLM.coeftable(Lasso_ira).cols[6][1]

T = DataFrame(table, [ :"Outcome", :"CL", :"CRA", :"IRA", :"IRA W Lasso"])  # table to dataframe 
T[!,:Outcome] = string.(T[!,:Outcome])  # string - first column 

T[1,1] = "Estimation"
T[2,1] = "Standar error"
T[3,1] = "Lower bound CI"
T[4,1] = "Upper bound CI"

header = (["Outcome", "CL", "CRA", "IRA", "IRA W Lasso"])
Outcome CL CRA IRA IRA W Lasso
Estimation -0.0855 -0.0797 -0.0755 -0.0789
Standar error 0.0358 0.0356 0.0361 0.0355
Lower bound CI -0.1557 -0.1496 -0.1462 -0.1486
Upper bound CI -0.0152 -0.0098 -0.0048 -0.0092
    \textbf{Outcome} & \textbf{CL} & \textbf{CRA} & \textbf{IRA} & \textbf{IRA W Lasso} \\\hline
    Estimation & -0.0855 & -0.0797 & -0.0755 & -0.0789 \\
    Standar error & 0.0358 & 0.0356 & 0.0361 & 0.0355 \\
    Lower bound CI & -0.1557 & -0.1496 & -0.1462 & -0.1486 \\
    Upper bound CI & -0.0152 & -0.0098 & -0.0048 & -0.0092 \\\hline\hline

Treatment group 4 experiences an average decrease of about \(7.8\%\) in the length of unemployment spell.

Observe that regression estimators delivers estimates that are slighly more efficient (lower standard errors) than the simple 2 mean estimator, but essentially all methods have very similar standard errors. From IRA results we also see that there is not any statistically detectable heterogeneity. We also see the regression estimators offer slightly lower estimates – these difference occur perhaps to due minor imbalance in the treatment allocation, which the regression estimators try to correct.