# !wget https://developer.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/9.0/Prod/local_installers/cuda-repo-ubuntu1604-9-0-local_9.0.176-1_amd64-deb
# !dpkg -i cuda-repo-ubuntu1604-9-0-local_9.0.176-1_amd64-deb
# !apt-key add /var/cuda-repo-9-0-local/7fa2af80.pub
# !apt update -q
# !apt install cuda gcc-6 g++-6 -y -q
# !ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-6 /usr/local/cuda/bin/gcc
# !ln -s /usr/bin/g++-6 /usr/local/cuda/bin/g++
# !curl -sSL "https://julialang-s3.julialang.org/bin/linux/x64/1.7/julia-1.7.3-linux-x86_64.tar.gz" -o julia.tar.gz
# !tar -xzf julia.tar.gz -C /usr --strip-components 1
# !rm -rf julia.tar.gz*
# !julia -e 'using Pkg; pkg"add IJulia; precompile"'

16. Notebook-DAGitty#

#import Pkg; Pkg.add("StructuralCausalModels")
#import Pkg; Pkg.add("TikzGraphs")
#import Pkg; Pkg.add("TikzPictures")
#import Pkg; Pkg.add("GraphViz")
#import Pkg; Pkg.add("Dagitty")
#import Pkg; Pkg.add("GraphPlot")

#using StructuralCausalModels
#using TikzGraphs
#using TikzPictures
#using Dagitty, Test 
#using LightGraphs, GraphPlot
#import Pkg; Pkg.add("lav_parse_model_string")
(process:14252): GLib-GIO-WARNING **: 15:18:20.947: Unexpectedly, UWP app `Evernote.Evernote_10.32.4.0_x86__q4d96b2w5wcc2' (AUMId `Evernote.Evernote_q4d96b2w5wcc2!Evernote') supports 1 extensions but has no verbs
]build GR
    Building GR → `C:\Users\Alexander\.julia\scratchspaces\44cfe95a-1eb2-52ea-b672-e2afdf69b78f\9f836fb62492f4b0f0d3b06f55983f2704ed0883\build.log`
    Updating `C:\Users\Alexander\.julia\environments\v1.7\Project.toml`
  [91a5bcdd] - Plots v1.29.0
  No Changes to `C:\Users\Alexander\.julia\environments\v1.7\Manifest.toml`
   Resolving package versions...
    Updating `C:\Users\Alexander\.julia\environments\v1.7\Project.toml`
  [91a5bcdd] + Plots v1.29.0
  No Changes to `C:\Users\Alexander\.julia\environments\v1.7\Manifest.toml`
using Plots
┌ Info: Precompiling Plots [91a5bcdd-55d7-5caf-9e0b-520d859cae80]
└ @ Base loading.jl:1423
using StructuralCausalModels
using GraphRecipes, Plots
using Random

16.1. Graph Generation and Plotting#

The following DAG is due to Judea Pearl

G = "dag {Z1 -> {X1}; X1 -> {D}; Z1 -> {X2}; Z2 -> X3; X3 -> {Y}; Z2 -> {X2}; D -> {Y}
                ; X2 -> {Y}; X2 -> {D}; M -> {Y}; D -> {M}}"

G = DAG("Model_1", G);

to_ggm(G) |> display

show(G) # Variable's location in an array 
"DAG(M ~ D, Y ~ M + X2 + D + X3, D ~ X2 + X1, X2 ~ Z2 + Z1, X3 ~ Z2, X1 ~ Z1)"
OrderedDict{Union{Symbol, Vector{Symbol}}, Union{Symbol, Vector{Symbol}}} with 6 entries:
  [:M]  => :D
  [:Y]  => [:M, :X2, :D, :X3]
  [:D]  => [:X2, :X1]
  [:X2] => [:Z2, :Z1]
  :X3   => :Z2
  [:X1] => :Z1
DAG object:

name = "Model_1"
vars = [:M, :D, :Y, :X2, :X3, :X1, :Z2, :Z1]
# variables's name into two arrays

2-element Vector{Vector{Symbol}}:
 [:M, :D, :Y, :X2, :X3, :X1, :Z2, :Z1]
 [:M, :D, :Y, :X2, :X3, :X1, :Z2, :Z1]
# DAG to matrix

# colums : affected varaible 
# rows : covariables 
8×8 Named Matrix{Int64}
Rows ╲ Cols │  :M   :D   :Y  :X2  :X3  :X1  :Z2  :Z1
:M          │   0    0    1    0    0    0    0    0
:D          │   1    0    1    0    0    0    0    0
:Y          │   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
:X2         │   0    1    1    0    0    0    0    0
:X3         │   0    0    1    0    0    0    0    0
:X1         │   0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0
:Z2         │   0    0    0    1    1    0    0    0
:Z1         │   0    0    0    1    0    1    0    0
# First: all varibles in (0,0) coordinates

graphplot(G.e, names=names(G.e, 1), curvature_scalar=0, nodesize=0.2,
  method=:spring, fontsize=8, arrow=1, nodeshape=:circle, nodecolor = 2, dim = 2, x = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], y = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0])

# curvature_scalar: size point
# arrow : arrow size
# fontsize: circle's size
# (x, y) location 
8-element Vector{Symbol}:
# X3 in (1,0) coordinates
graphplot(G.e, names=names(G.e, 1), curvature_scalar=0, nodesize=0.2,
  method=:spring, fontsize=8, arrow=1, nodeshape=:circle, nodecolor = 2, dim = 2, x = [0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0], y = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0])
8-element Vector{Symbol}:
# more details
# edgecolor: arrow's color
# axis_buffer: graph's size

graphplot(G.e, names=names(G.e, 1), curvature_scalar=0, nodesize=0.3,
      method=:spring, fontsize=10, arrow=0.2, nodeshape=:circle, nodecolor = :gray,axis_buffer = 0.1
        ,edgecolor = :black, x = [0,-1,1,0,1,-1,1,-1], y = [1,1,1,0,0,0,-1,-1], nodestrokecolor = :black)

# rows : childer
# columns: parents 
8×8 Named Matrix{Int64}
Rows ╲ Cols │  :M   :D   :Y  :X2  :X3  :X1  :Z2  :Z1
:M          │   0    0    1    0    0    0    0    0
:D          │   1    0    1    0    0    0    0    0
:Y          │   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
:X2         │   0    1    1    0    0    0    0    0
:X3         │   0    0    1    0    0    0    0    0
:X1         │   0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0
:Z2         │   0    0    0    1    1    0    0    0
:Z1         │   0    0    0    1    0    1    0    0

16.2. Report Relative of X2#

#Parents function

function parents(DAG,x)
    M = DAG.e
    n = size(M)[1]
    v =[]
        for i in 1:n
            B = convert(Int64, M[i,x] == 1)
        if B == 1
           push!(v, names(M,1)[i])
return v
# Children function

function children(DAG,x)
    M = DAG.e
    n = size(M)[1]
    v =[]
        for i in 1:n
           B = convert(Int64, M[x,i] == 1)
        if B == 1
            push!(v, names(M,1)[i])
return v

# Ancentors function

function ancestors(DAG,x)
    CC =[]
    A =  parents(DAG,x)
    push!(CC, [A,x])
    for i in 1:size(A)[1]
        push!(CC, parents(DAG,A[i]))
return CC

# descendants function

function descendants(DAG,x)
    CC =[]
    A =  children(DAG,x)
    push!(CC, [A,x])
    for i in 1:size(A)[1]
        push!(CC, children(DAG,A[i]))
return CC


#Declare variables at the beginning makes them as global variables
descendants (generic function with 1 method)
2-element Vector{Any}:
3-element Vector{Any}:
 Any[Any[:Z2, :Z1], :X2]
2-element Vector{Any}:
3-element Vector{Any}:
 Any[Any[:D, :Y], :X2]
 Any[:M, :Y]

16.3. Find Paths Between D and Y#

pths = all_paths(G, :D, :Y)
#pths |> display
5-element Vector{Vector{Symbol}}:
 [:D, :M, :Y]
 [:D, :X1, :Z1, :X2, :Y]
 [:D, :X1, :Z1, :X2, :Z2, :X3, :Y]
 [:D, :X2, :Y]
 [:D, :X2, :Z2, :X3, :Y]

16.4. List All Testable Implications of the Model¶#

#Conditional independency between two varaibles given conditioned set of variables

CInd = basis_set(G)

  :D ∐ :X3 | [:Z2]
  :D ∐ :X3 | [:X2, :X1]
  :D ∐ :X3 | [:X2, :Z2]
  :D ∐ :X3 | [:X1, :Z2]
  :D ∐ :X3 | [:X2, :X1, :Z2]
  :D ∐ :Z2 | [:X2, :X1]
  :D ∐ :Z1 | [:X2, :X1]
  :M ∐ :X2 | [:D]
  :M ∐ :X2 | [:Z2, :D]
  :M ∐ :X2 | [:Z1, :D]
  :M ∐ :X2 | [:Z2, :Z1, :D]
  :M ∐ :X3 | [:D]
  :M ∐ :X3 | [:Z2]
  :M ∐ :X3 | [:D, :Z2]
  :M ∐ :X1 | [:D]
  :M ∐ :X1 | [:Z1, :D]
  :M ∐ :Z2 | [:D]
  :M ∐ :Z1 | [:D]
  :X1 ∐ :Z2
  :X1 ∐ :Z2 | [:Z1]
  :X2 ∐ :X3 | [:Z2]
  :X2 ∐ :X3 | [:Z2, :Z1]
  :X2 ∐ :X1 | [:Z1]
  :X2 ∐ :X1 | [:Z2, :Z1]
  :X3 ∐ :X1
  :X3 ∐ :X1 | [:Z1]
  :X3 ∐ :X1 | [:Z2]
  :X3 ∐ :X1 | [:Z1, :Z2]
  :X3 ∐ :Z1
  :X3 ∐ :Z1 | [:Z2]
  :Y ∐ :X1 | [:Z1, :X2, :D]
  :Y ∐ :X1 | [:X2, :D, :X3]
  :Y ∐ :X1 | [:Z1, :X2, :D, :M]
  :Y ∐ :X1 | [:Z1, :X2, :D, :X3]
  :Y ∐ :X1 | [:X2, :D, :M, :X3]
  :Y ∐ :X1 | [:Z1, :X2, :D, :M, :X3]
  :Y ∐ :Z2 | [:X2, :D, :X3]
  :Y ∐ :Z2 | [:X2, :D, :M, :X3]
  :Y ∐ :Z1 | [:X2, :D, :X3]
  :Y ∐ :Z1 | [:X2, :D, :M, :X3]
  :Z2 ∐ :Z1

16.5. Identification by Backdoor: List minimal adjustment sets to identify causal effects#

\[ D \rightarrow Y\]
pths = all_paths(G, :D, :Y)
5-element Vector{Vector{Symbol}}:
 [:D, :M, :Y]
 [:D, :X1, :Z1, :X2, :Y]
 [:D, :X1, :Z1, :X2, :Z2, :X3, :Y]
 [:D, :X2, :Y]
 [:D, :X2, :Z2, :X3, :Y]
bp = backdoor_paths(G, pths, :D)
4-element Vector{Vector{Symbol}}:
 [:D, :X1, :Z1, :X2, :Y]
 [:D, :X1, :Z1, :X2, :Z2, :X3, :Y]
 [:D, :X2, :Y]
 [:D, :X2, :Z2, :X3, :Y]
adjustmentsets = adjustment_sets(G, :D, :Y)
4-element Vector{Vector{Symbol}}:
 [:X1, :X2]
 [:Z1, :X2]
 [:X2, :Z2]
 [:X2, :X3]
e = d_separation(G, :D, :Y)
println("d_separation($(G.name), D, Y) = $e\n")
d_separation(Model_1, D, Y) = false

16.6. Identification via SWIG and D-separation#

SWIG = "dag {Z1 -> {X1}; X1 -> {D}; Z1 -> {X2}; Z2 -> X3; X3 -> {Yd}; Z2 -> {X2}; X2 -> {Yd} 
        ; X2 -> {D}; Md -> {Yd}; d -> {Md}}"

SWIG = DAG("Model_2", SWIG)
OrderedDict{Union{Symbol, Vector{Symbol}}, Union{Symbol, Vector{Symbol}}} with 6 entries:
  [:Md] => :d
  [:Yd] => [:Md, :X2, :X3]
  [:D]  => [:X2, :X1]
  [:X2] => [:Z2, :Z1]
  :X3   => :Z2
  [:X1] => :Z1
name = "Model_2"
vars = [:Md, :d, :Yd, :X2, :X3, :D, :X1, :Z2, :Z1]
DAG object:
9-element Vector{Symbol}:
graphplot(SWIG.e, names=names(SWIG.e, 1), curvature_scalar=0, nodesize=0.3,
      method=:spring, fontsize=10, arrow=0.2, nodeshape=:circle, nodecolor = :gray,axis_buffer = 0.1
        ,edgecolor = :black, x = [0,-0.5,1,0,1,-1,-1,1,-1], y = [1,1,1,0,0,1,0,-1,-1], nodestrokecolor = :black)
#Conditional independency between two varaibles given conditioned set of variables

CInd = basis_set(SWIG)

  :D ∐ :Z2 | [:X2, :X1]
  :D ∐ :Z1 | [:X2, :X1]
  :Md ∐ :X2
  :Md ∐ :X2 | [:d]
  :Md ∐ :X2 | [:Z2]
  :Md ∐ :X2 | [:Z1]
  :Md ∐ :X2 | [:d, :Z2]
  :Md ∐ :X2 | [:d, :Z1]
  :Md ∐ :X2 | [:Z2, :Z1]
  :Md ∐ :X2 | [:d, :Z2, :Z1]
  :Md ∐ :X3
  :Md ∐ :X3 | [:d]
  :Md ∐ :X3 | [:Z2]
  :Md ∐ :X3 | [:d, :Z2]
  :Md ∐ :D
  :Md ∐ :D | [:d]
  :Md ∐ :D | [:X2]
  :Md ∐ :D | [:X1]
  :Md ∐ :D | [:d, :X2]
  :Md ∐ :D | [:d, :X1]
  :Md ∐ :D | [:X2, :X1]
  :Md ∐ :D | [:d, :X2, :X1]
  :Md ∐ :X1
  :Md ∐ :X1 | [:d]
  :Md ∐ :X1 | [:Z1]
  :Md ∐ :X1 | [:d, :Z1]
  :Md ∐ :Z2
  :Md ∐ :Z2 | [:d]
  :Md ∐ :Z1
  :Md ∐ :Z1 | [:d]
  :X1 ∐ :Z2
  :X1 ∐ :Z2 | [:Z1]
  :X2 ∐ :X3 | [:Z2]
  :X2 ∐ :X3 | [:Z2, :Z1]
  :X2 ∐ :X1 | [:Z1]
  :X2 ∐ :X1 | [:Z2, :Z1]
  :X3 ∐ :D | [:Z2]
  :X3 ∐ :D | [:Z2, :X2]
  :X3 ∐ :D | [:Z2, :X1]
  :X3 ∐ :D | [:X2, :X1]
  :X3 ∐ :D | [:Z2, :X2, :X1]
  :X3 ∐ :X1
  :X3 ∐ :X1 | [:Z2]
  :X3 ∐ :X1 | [:Z1]
  :X3 ∐ :X1 | [:Z2, :Z1]
  :X3 ∐ :Z1
  :X3 ∐ :Z1 | [:Z2]
  :Yd ∐ :D | [:X2, :X3]
  :Yd ∐ :D | [:X2, :X1]
  :Yd ∐ :D | [:Md, :X2, :X3]
  :Yd ∐ :D | [:Md, :X2, :X1]
  :Yd ∐ :D | [:X2, :X3, :X1]
  :Yd ∐ :D | [:Md, :X2, :X3, :X1]
  :Yd ∐ :X1 | [:Z1]
  :Yd ∐ :X1 | [:Md, :Z1]
  :Yd ∐ :X1 | [:X2, :X3]
  :Yd ∐ :X1 | [:X2, :Z1]
  :Yd ∐ :X1 | [:X3, :Z1]
  :Yd ∐ :X1 | [:Md, :X2, :X3]
  :Yd ∐ :X1 | [:Md, :X2, :Z1]
  :Yd ∐ :X1 | [:Md, :X3, :Z1]
  :Yd ∐ :X1 | [:X2, :X3, :Z1]
  :Yd ∐ :X1 | [:Md, :X2, :X3, :Z1]
  :Yd ∐ :Z2 | [:X2, :X3]
  :Yd ∐ :Z2 | [:Md, :X2, :X3]
  :Yd ∐ :Z1 | [:X2, :X3]
  :Yd ∐ :Z1 | [:Md, :X2, :X3]
  :Z2 ∐ :Z1
  :d ∐ :Yd | [:Md]
  :d ∐ :Yd | [:Md, :X2]
  :d ∐ :Yd | [:Md, :X3]
  :d ∐ :Yd | [:Md, :X2, :X3]
  :d ∐ :X2
  :d ∐ :X2 | [:Z2]
  :d ∐ :X2 | [:Z1]
  :d ∐ :X2 | [:Z2, :Z1]
  :d ∐ :X3
  :d ∐ :X3 | [:Z2]
  :d ∐ :D
  :d ∐ :D | [:X2]
  :d ∐ :D | [:X1]
  :d ∐ :D | [:X2, :X1]
  :d ∐ :X1
  :d ∐ :X1 | [:Z1]
  :d ∐ :Z2
  :d ∐ :Z1

16.8. Next Consider the elemntary Triangular Model:#

\[ D \rightarrow Y, X \rightarrow (D,Y) \]

16.8.1. This model has not testable implications and is Markov-equivalent to any other DAG difined on names \( (X,D,Y) \)#

G3 = "dag {D -> {Y}; X -> {D}; X -> {Y}}"

G3 = DAG("Model_3", G3)
OrderedDict{Union{Symbol, Vector{Symbol}}, Union{Symbol, Vector{Symbol}}} with 2 entries:
  [:Y] => [:X, :D]
  [:D] => :X
name = "Model_3"
vars = [:Y, :X, :D]
DAG object:
3-element Vector{Symbol}:
graphplot(G3.e, names=names(G3.e, 1), curvature_scalar=0, nodesize=0.3,
      method=:spring, fontsize=10, arrow=0.2, nodeshape=:circle, nodecolor = :gray,axis_buffer = 0.1
        ,edgecolor = :black, x = [0,-2,0.5], y = [-1,1,2], nodestrokecolor = :black)
#Conditional Independencies
CInd = basis_set(G3) # nothing

bp1 = backdoor_paths(G3, all_paths(G3, :D, :Y), :D) # controling X (confounder varaible)
1-element Vector{Vector{Symbol}}:
 [:D, :X, :Y]
The effect:D -> Y  is identifiable by controlling for : [[:X]]

16.9. Example of Testing DAG Validity#

"DAG(M ~ D, Y ~ M + X2 + D + X3, D ~ X2 + X1, X2 ~ Z2 + Z1, X3 ~ Z2, X1 ~ Z1)"