11. Heterogenous Wage Effects#

11.1. Application: Heterogeneous Effect of Gender on Wage Using Double Lasso#

We use US census data from the year 2012 to analyse the effect of gender and interaction effects of other variables with gender on wage jointly. The dependent variable is the logarithm of the wage, the target variable is female (in combination with other variables). All other variables denote some other socio-economic characteristics, e.g. marital status, education, and experience. For a detailed description of the variables we refer to the help page.

This analysis allows a closer look how discrimination according to gender is related to other socio-economic variables.

import hdmpy
import pyreadr
import os
from urllib.request import urlopen
import patsy
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.pyplot import figure
from scipy import stats
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as sci_lag
import warnings
response = urlopen(link)
content = response.read()
fhandle = open( 'cps2012.Rdata', 'wb')
result = pyreadr.read_r("cps2012.Rdata")

# Extracting the data frame from rdata_read
cps2012 = result[ 'data' ]
year lnw female widowed divorced separated nevermarried hsd08 hsd911 hsg cg ad mw so we exp1 exp2 exp3 exp4 weight
count 29217.0 29217.000000 29217.000000 29217.000000 29217.000000 29217.000000 29217.000000 29217.000000 29217.000000 29217.000000 29217.000000 29217.000000 29217.000000 29217.000000 29217.000000 29217.000000 29217.000000 29217.000000 29217.000000 29217.000000
mean 2012.0 2.797007 0.428757 0.007975 0.113393 0.016600 0.156347 0.004107 0.022179 0.247288 0.283431 0.155800 0.291645 0.282849 0.199644 18.756939 4.286811 10.875998 29.408779 1513.842566
std 0.0 0.662406 0.494907 0.088947 0.317078 0.127769 0.363191 0.063957 0.147267 0.431443 0.450671 0.362672 0.454528 0.450391 0.399740 8.767040 3.321506 11.121864 36.569919 1009.811610
min 2012.0 -7.469874 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 106.790000
25% 2012.0 2.408296 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 11.500000 1.322500 1.520875 1.749006 654.240000
50% 2012.0 2.774540 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 19.000000 3.610000 6.859000 13.032100 1472.100000
75% 2012.0 3.181569 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 26.000000 6.760000 17.576000 45.697600 1966.630000
max 2012.0 5.970942 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 43.500000 18.922500 82.312875 358.061006 6444.150000
formula_basic =  '''lnw ~ -1 + female + female:(widowed + divorced + separated + nevermarried +
hsd08 + hsd911 + hsg + cg + ad + mw + so + we + exp1 + exp2 + exp3) + +(widowed +
divorced + separated + nevermarried + hsd08 + hsd911 + hsg + cg + ad + mw + so +
we + exp1 + exp2 + exp3) ** 2'''

y, X = patsy.dmatrices(formula_basic, cps2012, return_type='dataframe')

We have the same number of covariables.

variance_cols = X.var().to_numpy()
X = X.iloc[ : ,  np.where( variance_cols != 0   )[0] ]

def demean(x):
    dif = x - np.mean( x )
    return dif 

X = X.apply( demean, axis = 0 )

index_gender = np.where( X.columns.str.contains('female'))[0]

The parameter estimates for the target parameters, i.e. all coefficients related to gender (i.e. by interaction with other variables) are calculated and summarized by the following commands:

effect_female = hdmpy.rlassoEffects( x = X , y = y , index = index_gender )
result_coeff = pd.concat( [ effect_female.res.get( 'coefficients' ).rename(columns = { 0 : "Estimate." }) , \
             effect_female.res.get( 'se' ).rename( columns = { 0 : "Std. Error" } ) , \
             effect_female.res.get( 't' ).rename( columns = { 0 : "t value" } ) , \
             effect_female.res.get( 'pval' ).rename( columns = { 0 : "Pr(>|t|)" } ) ] ,\
             axis = 1 )

print( result_coeff )
                     Estimate.  Std. Error   t value      Pr(>|t|)
female               -0.154593    0.048599 -3.180992  1.467717e-03
female:widowed        0.136096    0.094115  1.446056  1.481614e-01
female:divorced       0.136939    0.021680  6.316402  2.677227e-10
female:separated      0.023303    0.048849  0.477034  6.333381e-01
female:nevermarried   0.186853    0.020094  9.299104  1.416347e-20
female:hsd08          0.027810    0.140357  0.198140  8.429356e-01
female:hsd911        -0.119335    0.052223 -2.285101  2.230692e-02
female:hsg           -0.012885    0.018229 -0.706850  4.796595e-01
female:cg             0.010139    0.018079  0.560797  5.749360e-01
female:ad            -0.030464    0.022807 -1.335714  1.816429e-01
female:mw            -0.001063    0.018715 -0.056822  9.546869e-01
female:so            -0.008183    0.019027 -0.430096  6.671256e-01
female:we            -0.004226    0.021422 -0.197281  8.436076e-01
female:exp1           0.004733    0.007483  0.632488  5.270682e-01
female:exp2          -0.159519    0.043479 -3.668908  2.435892e-04
female:exp3           0.026512    0.008244  3.215830  1.300681e-03
'\\begin{tabular}{lrrrr}\n\\toprule\n{} &  Estimate. &  Std. Error &  t value &  Pr(>|t|) \\\\\n\\midrule\nfemale              &     -0.155 &       0.049 &   -3.181 &     0.001 \\\\\nfemale:widowed      &      0.136 &       0.094 &    1.446 &     0.148 \\\\\nfemale:divorced     &      0.137 &       0.022 &    6.316 &     0.000 \\\\\nfemale:separated    &      0.023 &       0.049 &    0.477 &     0.633 \\\\\nfemale:nevermarried &      0.187 &       0.020 &    9.299 &     0.000 \\\\\nfemale:hsd08        &      0.028 &       0.140 &    0.198 &     0.843 \\\\\nfemale:hsd911       &     -0.119 &       0.052 &   -2.285 &     0.022 \\\\\nfemale:hsg          &     -0.013 &       0.018 &   -0.707 &     0.480 \\\\\nfemale:cg           &      0.010 &       0.018 &    0.561 &     0.575 \\\\\nfemale:ad           &     -0.030 &       0.023 &   -1.336 &     0.182 \\\\\nfemale:mw           &     -0.001 &       0.019 &   -0.057 &     0.955 \\\\\nfemale:so           &     -0.008 &       0.019 &   -0.430 &     0.667 \\\\\nfemale:we           &     -0.004 &       0.021 &   -0.197 &     0.844 \\\\\nfemale:exp1         &      0.005 &       0.007 &    0.632 &     0.527 \\\\\nfemale:exp2         &     -0.160 &       0.043 &   -3.669 &     0.000 \\\\\nfemale:exp3         &      0.027 &       0.008 &    3.216 &     0.001 \\\\\n\\bottomrule\n\\end{tabular}\n'
t_value = stats.t.ppf(1-0.05, 29217 - 116 -1 )
pointwise_CI = pd.DataFrame({ '5%' : result_coeff.iloc[ : , 0 ] \
                                     - result_coeff.iloc[ : , 1 ] * t_value ,\
                              '95%' : result_coeff.iloc[ : , 0 ] \
                             + result_coeff.iloc[ : , 1 ] * t_value })
result_coeff = result_coeff.sort_values('Estimate.')

x = result_coeff.index

coef = result_coeff.iloc[ : , 0 ].to_numpy()

sd_error = ( result_coeff.iloc[ : , 1 ] * t_value ).to_numpy()

figure(figsize=(12, 6), dpi=80)

plt.errorbar( x = x , y = coef , yerr = sd_error , linestyle="None" , color = "black", \
              capsize = 3 , marker = "s" , markersize = 3 , mfc = "black" , mec = "black" )
plt.xticks(x, x, rotation=90)

Now, we estimate and plot confident intervals, first “pointwise” and then the joint confidence intervals.

effect_female.res.get( 'coefficients' ).iloc[ :, 0 ].to_list()
def confint_joint_python( rlassomodel , level = 0.95 ):
    coef = rlassomodel.res['coefficients'].to_numpy().reshape( 1 , rlassomodel.res['coefficients'].to_numpy().size )
    se = rlassomodel.res['se'].to_numpy().reshape( 1 , rlassomodel.res['se'].to_numpy().size )
    e = rlassomodel.res['residuals']['e']
    v = rlassomodel.res['residuals']['v']
    n = e.shape[0]
    k = e.shape[1]
    ev = e.to_numpy() * v.to_numpy()
    Ev2 = (v ** 2).mean( axis = 0 ).to_numpy()
    Omegahat = np.zeros( ( k , k ) )
    for j in range( 0 , k ):
        for l in range( 0 , k ):
            Omegahat[ j , l ] = ( 1 / ( Ev2[ j ] * Ev2[ l ] ) ) * np.mean(ev[ : , j ] * ev[ : , l ] )
            Omegahat[ l , j ] = ( 1 / ( Ev2[ j ] * Ev2[ l ] ) ) * np.mean(ev[ : , j ] * ev[ : , l ] )
    var = np.diagonal( Omegahat )
    B = 500
    sim = np.zeros( B )
    for i in range( 0 , B ):
        beta_i = mvrnorm( mu =  np.repeat( 0, k ) , Sigma =  Omegahat / n )
        sim[ i ] = ( np.abs( beta_i/ ( var ** 0.5 ) ) ).max()
    t_stat = np.quantile( sim , level )
    low_num = int( np.round( ( 1 - level ) / 2, 2) * 100 )
    upper_num = int( np.round( ( 1 + level ) / 2, 2) * 100 )
    sd_tstat = t_stat * ( var ** 0.5 )
    low = coef - sd_tstat
    upper = coef + sd_tstat
    table = pd.DataFrame( { f'{low_num}%' : low.tolist()[0] , f'{upper_num}%' : upper.tolist()[0] , \
                           'Coef.' : rlassomodel.res.get( 'coefficients' ).iloc[ :, 0 ].to_list() }, \
                         index = rlassomodel.res.get( 'coefficients' ).index )
    return ( table, sd_tstat )
def mvrnorm( mu , Sigma , n = 1 ):
    p = mu.size
    ev = np.linalg.eig( Sigma )[ 0 ]
    vectors = np.linalg.eig( Sigma )[ 1 ]
    X = np.random.normal(0, 1 ,  p * n ).reshape( n , p )
    diagonal = np.diag( np.maximum( ev, 0 ) ** 0.5 )
    Z = mu.reshape( p , 1 ) + vectors @ ( diagonal @ X.transpose())
    resultado = Z.transpose()
    return( resultado )

Finally, we compare the pointwise confidence intervals to joint confidence intervals.

from statsmodels.sandbox.stats.multicomp import multipletests
import scipy.stats as st
joint_CI =  confint_joint_python( effect_female, level = 0.9 )[0]
size_err =  confint_joint_python( effect_female, level = 0.9 )[1]
5% 95% Coef.
female -0.287258 -0.021928 -0.154593
female:widowed -0.120818 0.393009 0.136096
female:divorced 0.077758 0.196121 0.136939
female:separated -0.110045 0.156651 0.023303
female:nevermarried 0.132002 0.241705 0.186853
female:hsd08 -0.355334 0.410954 0.027810
female:hsd911 -0.261893 0.023223 -0.119335
female:hsg -0.062645 0.036875 -0.012885
female:cg -0.039213 0.059490 0.010139
female:ad -0.092722 0.031795 -0.030464
female:mw -0.052152 0.050025 -0.001063
female:so -0.060122 0.043756 -0.008183
female:we -0.062703 0.054251 -0.004226
female:exp1 -0.015694 0.025160 0.004733
female:exp2 -0.278207 -0.040832 -0.159519
female:exp3 0.004007 0.049017 0.026512
x = joint_CI.index

coef = joint_CI.iloc[ : , 1 ].to_numpy()

sd_error = size_err

figure(figsize=(12, 6), dpi=80)

plt.errorbar( x = x , y = coef , yerr = sd_error , linestyle="None" , color = "black", \
              capsize = 3 , marker = "s" , markersize = 3 , mfc = "black" , mec = "black" )
plt.xticks(x, x, rotation=90)