3. OLS and lasso for gender wage gap inference#
In the previous lab, we analyzed data from the March Supplement of the U.S. Current Population Survey (2015) and answered the question of how to use job-relevant characteristics, such as education and experience, to best predict wages. Now, we focus on the following inference question:
What is the difference in predicted wages between men and women with the same job-relevant characteristics?
Thus, we analyze if there is a difference in the payment of men and women (gender wage gap). The gender wage gap may partly reflect discrimination against women in the labor market or may partly reflect a selection effect, namely that women are relatively more likely to take on occupations that pay somewhat less (for example, school teaching).
To investigate the gender wage gap, we consider the following log-linear regression model
where \(Y\) is hourly wage, \(D\) is the indicator of being female (\(1\) if female and \(0\) otherwise) and the \(W\)’s are a vector of worker characteristics explaining variation in wages. Considering transformed wages by the logarithm, we are analyzing the relative difference in the payment of men and women.
3.1. Data analysis#
We consider the same subsample of the U.S. Current Population Survey (2015) as in the previous lab. Let us load the data set.
install.packages("librarian", quiet = T)
librarian::shelf(tidyverse, sandwich, hdm, quiet = T)
data <- read_csv("https://github.com/d2cml-ai/14.388_R/raw/main/Data/wage2015_subsample_inference.csv"
, show_col_types = F)
Warning message in system("timedatectl", intern = TRUE):
“running command 'timedatectl' had status 1”
- 5150
- 21
To start our (causal) analysis, we compare the sample means given gender:
variables <- c("lwage","sex","shs","hsg","scl","clg","ad","ne","mw","so","we","exp1")
Z <- data |> select(all_of(variables))
data_female <- data |> filter(sex == 1)
data_male <- data |> filter(sex == 0)
Z_mean = Z |>
mutate(sex = 3) |> # ALL
bind_rows(Z) |> # Sex
group_by(sex) |>
summarise(across(where(is.numeric), mean)) |>
ungroup() |>
mutate(sex = case_when(sex == 1 ~ "Female", sex == 0 ~ "Male", T ~ "All"))
colnames(Z_mean) <- c("Sex","Log Wage","Less then High School","High School Graduate","Some College","College Graduate","Advanced Degree", "Northeast","Midwest","South","West","Experience")
Z_mean |>
pivot_longer(!Sex, names_to = "Variable") |>
pivot_wider(names_from = Sex, values_from = value)
Variable | Male | Female | All |
<chr> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> |
Log Wage | 2.98782963 | 2.94948490 | 2.97078670 |
Less then High School | 0.03180706 | 0.01266929 | 0.02330097 |
High School Graduate | 0.29430269 | 0.18086501 | 0.24388350 |
Some College | 0.27333100 | 0.28396680 | 0.27805825 |
College Graduate | 0.29395316 | 0.34731324 | 0.31766990 |
Advanced Degree | 0.10660608 | 0.17518567 | 0.13708738 |
Northeast | 0.22195037 | 0.23503713 | 0.22776699 |
Midwest | 0.25900035 | 0.26037571 | 0.25961165 |
South | 0.29814750 | 0.29445173 | 0.29650485 |
West | 0.22090178 | 0.21013543 | 0.21611650 |
Experience | 13.78399161 | 13.73132372 | 13.76058252 |
In particular, the table above shows that the difference in average logwage between men and women is equal to \(0.038\)
Thus, the unconditional gender wage gap is about \(3,8\)% for the group of never married workers (women get paid less on average in our sample). We also observe that never married working women are relatively more educated than working men and have lower working experience.
This unconditional (predictive) effect of gender equals the coefficient \(\beta\) in the univariate ols regression of \(Y\) on \(D\):
We verify this by running an ols regression in R.
nocontrol_fit <- lm(lwage ~ sex, data = Z)
nocontrol_est <- summary(nocontrol_fit)$coef["sex",1]
HCV_coefs <- vcovHC(nocontrol_fit, type = 'HC'); # HC - "heteroskedasticity cosistent"
nocontrol_se <- sqrt(diag(HCV_coefs))[2] # Estimated std errors
# print unconditional effect of gender and the corresponding standard error
cat ("The estimated coefficient on the dummy for gender is",nocontrol_est,"\nand the corresponding robust standard error is", nocontrol_se)
The estimated coefficient on the dummy for gender is -0.03834473
and the corresponding robust standard error is 0.01590194
Note that the standard error is computed with the R package sandwich to be robust to heteroskedasticity.
Next, we run an ols regression of \(Y\) on \((D,W)\) to control for the effect of covariates summarized in \(W\):
Here, we are considering the flexible model from the previous lab. Hence, \(W\) controls for experience, education, region, and occupation and industry indicators plus transformations and two-way interactions.
Let us run the ols regression with controls.
# ols regression with controls
flex <- lwage ~ sex + (exp1 + exp2 + exp3 + exp4) * (shs + hsg + scl + clg+ occ2 + ind2 + mw + so + we)
# Note that ()*() operation in formula objects in R creates a formula of the sort:
# (exp1+exp2+exp3+exp4)+ (shs+hsg+scl+clg+occ2+ind2+mw+so+we) + (exp1+exp2+exp3+exp4)*(shs+hsg+scl+clg+occ2+ind2+mw+so+we)
# This is not intuitive at all, but that's what it does.
control_fit <- lm(flex, data = data)
control_est <- summary(control_fit)$coef[2,1]
cat("Coefficient for OLS with controls", control_est)
HCV_coefs <- vcovHC(control_fit, type = 'HC');
control_se <- sqrt(diag(HCV_coefs))[2] # Estimated std errors
lm(formula = flex, data = data)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-2.1282 -0.3065 -0.0151 0.2945 3.5341
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 3.5459818 0.1293099 27.422 < 2e-16 ***
sex -0.1024693 0.0146380 -7.000 2.89e-12 ***
exp1 0.0395328 0.0481220 0.822 0.41139
exp2 -0.0470984 0.5325375 -0.088 0.92953
exp3 -0.0771429 0.2154298 -0.358 0.72029
exp4 0.0192883 0.0284494 0.678 0.49781
shs -0.6909668 0.8988057 -0.769 0.44207
hsg -0.5816131 0.1944598 -2.991 0.00279 **
scl -0.3297645 0.1234560 -2.671 0.00758 **
clg -0.0873795 0.0668027 -1.308 0.19092
occ2 -0.0266617 0.0050951 -5.233 1.74e-07 ***
ind2 -0.0161333 0.0062181 -2.595 0.00950 **
mw 0.1079623 0.0834048 1.294 0.19557
so 0.0385942 0.0747084 0.517 0.60546
we -0.0035042 0.0854161 -0.041 0.96728
exp1:shs -0.0727104 0.1901283 -0.382 0.70216
exp1:hsg -0.0250250 0.0546885 -0.458 0.64727
exp1:scl -0.0609705 0.0417514 -1.460 0.14426
exp1:clg -0.0380453 0.0300321 -1.267 0.20528
exp1:occ2 0.0031061 0.0017876 1.738 0.08234 .
exp1:ind2 0.0004029 0.0020728 0.194 0.84590
exp1:mw -0.0270885 0.0301189 -0.899 0.36849
exp1:so -0.0078718 0.0265858 -0.296 0.76717
exp1:we -0.0024977 0.0305114 -0.082 0.93476
exp2:shs 0.9029215 1.3741164 0.657 0.51115
exp2:hsg 0.1877001 0.5146826 0.365 0.71536
exp2:scl 0.5113091 0.4400572 1.162 0.24532
exp2:clg 0.2030427 0.3705629 0.548 0.58376
exp2:occ2 -0.0343464 0.0186214 -1.844 0.06517 .
exp2:ind2 -0.0059163 0.0210536 -0.281 0.77871
exp2:mw 0.2042858 0.3188136 0.641 0.52170
exp2:so 0.0495460 0.2765429 0.179 0.85782
exp2:we 0.1190125 0.3228731 0.369 0.71244
exp3:shs -0.3393592 0.4077661 -0.832 0.40531
exp3:hsg -0.0373823 0.1921295 -0.195 0.84574
exp3:scl -0.1409625 0.1751678 -0.805 0.42101
exp3:clg -0.0065430 0.1607228 -0.041 0.96753
exp3:occ2 0.0141678 0.0071314 1.987 0.04701 *
exp3:ind2 0.0042756 0.0079665 0.537 0.59150
exp3:mw -0.0669346 0.1233227 -0.543 0.58732
exp3:so -0.0212880 0.1047326 -0.203 0.83894
exp3:we -0.0616049 0.1249834 -0.493 0.62210
exp4:shs 0.0390455 0.0426584 0.915 0.36007
exp4:hsg 0.0016746 0.0243824 0.069 0.94525
exp4:scl 0.0121324 0.0230861 0.526 0.59924
exp4:clg -0.0068572 0.0222925 -0.308 0.75840
exp4:occ2 -0.0019077 0.0008949 -2.132 0.03308 *
exp4:ind2 -0.0008135 0.0009948 -0.818 0.41355
exp4:mw 0.0069432 0.0155866 0.445 0.65601
exp4:so 0.0031201 0.0129355 0.241 0.80941
exp4:we 0.0080471 0.0158007 0.509 0.61057
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 0.498 on 5099 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.2452, Adjusted R-squared: 0.2378
F-statistic: 33.14 on 50 and 5099 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Coefficient for OLS with controls -0.1024693
The estimated regression coefficient \(\beta_1\approx-0.0696\) measures how our linear prediction of wage changes if we set the gender variable \(D\) from 0 to 1, holding the controls \(W\) fixed. We can call this the predictive effect (PE), as it measures the impact of a variable on the prediction we make. Overall, we see that the unconditional wage gap of size \(4\)% for women increases to about \(7\)% after controlling for worker characteristics.
Next, we use the Frisch-Waugh-Lovell (FWL) theorem from lecture, partialling-out the linear effect of the controls via ols.
# Partialling-out using ols
# models
flex_y <- lwage ~ (exp1 + exp2 + exp3 + exp4) * (shs + hsg + scl +clg + occ2+ ind2 + mw + so + we) # model for Y
flex_d <- sex ~ (exp1 + exp2 + exp3 + exp4)*(shs + hsg + scl + clg + occ2 + ind2 + mw + so + we) # model for D
# partialling-out the linear effect of W from Y
t_Y <- lm(flex_y, data=data)$res
# partialling-out the linear effect of W from D
t_D <- lm(flex_d, data=data)$res
# regression of Y on D after partialling-out the effect of W
partial_fit <- lm(t_Y ~ t_D)
partial_est <- summary(partial_fit)$coef[2,1]
cat("Coefficient for D via partialling-out", partial_est)
# standard error
HCV_coefs <- vcovHC(partial_fit, type = 'HC')
partial_se <- sqrt(diag(HCV_coefs))[2]
# confidence interval
Coefficient for D via partialling-out -0.1024693
- 2.5 %
- -0.131029157306723
- 97.5 %
- -0.0739094617947904
Again, the estimated coefficient measures the linear predictive effect (PE) of \(D\) on \(Y\) after taking out the linear effect of \(W\) on both of these variables. This coefficient is numerically equivalent to the estimated coefficient from the ols regression with controls, confirming the FWL theorem.
We know that the partialling-out approach works well when the dimension of \(W\) is low in relation to the sample size \(n\). When the dimension of \(W\) is relatively high, we need to use variable selection or penalization for regularization purposes.
In the following, we illustrate the partialling-out approach using lasso instead of ols.
# Partialling-out using lasso
# models
flex_y <- lwage ~ (exp1 + exp2 + exp3 + exp4) * (shs + hsg + scl + clg + occ2 + ind2 + mw + so + we) # model for Y
flex_d <- sex ~ (exp1 + exp2 + exp3 + exp4) * (shs + hsg + scl + clg + occ2 + ind2 + mw + so + we) # model for D
# partialling-out the linear effect of W from Y
t_Y <- rlasso(flex_y, data = data)$res
# partialling-out the linear effect of W from D
t_D <- rlasso(flex_d, data = data)$res
# regression of Y on D after partialling-out the effect of W
partial_lasso_fit <- lm(t_Y ~ t_D)
partial_lasso_est <- summary(partial_lasso_fit)$coef[2,1]
cat("Coefficient for D via partialling-out using lasso", partial_lasso_est)
# standard error
HCV_coefs <- vcovHC(partial_lasso_fit, type = 'HC')
partial_lasso_se <- sqrt(diag(HCV_coefs))[2]
Coefficient for D via partialling-out using lasso -0.1036713
Using lasso for partialling-out here provides similar results as using ols.
Next, we summarize the results.
table<- matrix(0, 4, 2)
table[1,1]<- nocontrol_est
table[1,2]<- nocontrol_se
table[2,1]<- control_est
table[2,2]<- control_se
table[3,1]<- partial_est
table[3,2]<- partial_se
table[4,1]<- partial_lasso_est
table[4,2]<- partial_lasso_se
colnames(table)<- c("Estimate","Std. Error")
rownames(table)<- c("Without controls", "full reg", "partial reg", "partial reg via lasso")
Estimate | Std. Error | |
Without controls | -0.03834473 | 0.01590194 |
full reg | -0.10246931 | 0.01458860 |
partial reg | -0.10246931 | 0.01458860 |
partial reg via lasso | -0.10367131 | 0.01475760 |
It it worth noticing that controlling for worker characteristics increases the gender wage gap from less than 4% to 7%. The controls we used in our analysis include 5 educational attainment indicators (less than high school graduates, high school graduates, some college, college graduate, and advanced degree), 4 region indicators (midwest, south, west, and northeast); a quartic term (first, second, third, and fourth power) in experience and 22 occupation and 23 industry indicators.
Keep in mind that the predictive effect (PE) does not only measures discrimination (causal effect of being female), it also may reflect selection effects of unobserved differences in covariates between men and women in our sample.
Next we try an “extra” flexible model, where we take interactions of all controls, giving us about 1000 controls.
# extra flexible model
extraflex <- lwage ~ sex + (exp1 + exp2 + exp3 + exp4 + shs + hsg + scl + clg + occ2 + ind2 + mw + so + we)^2
control_fit <- lm(extraflex, data=data)
control_est <- summary(control_fit)$coef[2,1]
cat("Number of Extra-Flex Controls", length(control_fit$coef) - 1, "\n")
cat("Coefficient for OLS with extra flex controls", control_est)
HCV_coefs <- vcovHC(control_fit, type = 'HC');
n = length(wage); p =length(control_fit$coef);
control_se <- sqrt(diag(HCV_coefs))[2] * sqrt( n / (n - p)) # Estimated std errors
# This is a crude adjustment for the effect of dimensionality on OLS standard errors,
# motivated by Cattaneo, Jannson, and Newey (2018). For a more correct approach, we
# would implement the approach of Cattaneo, Jannson, and Newey (2018)'s procedure.
lm(formula = extraflex, data = data)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-2.1158 -0.3041 -0.0173 0.2893 3.5892
Coefficients: (12 not defined because of singularities)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 3.6297982 0.1552865 23.375 < 2e-16 ***
sex -0.0967413 0.0146627 -6.598 4.60e-11 ***
exp1 0.0094395 0.0613320 0.154 0.87769
exp2 0.7798590 1.3068326 0.597 0.55070
exp3 -0.9937088 1.5435940 -0.644 0.51976
exp4 0.5284032 0.9687560 0.545 0.58547
shs 0.4280438 1.0441100 0.410 0.68185
hsg -0.5051460 0.2742205 -1.842 0.06552 .
scl -0.2951033 0.1897037 -1.556 0.11987
clg -0.1203554 0.1176922 -1.023 0.30653
occ2 -0.0331114 0.0071125 -4.655 3.32e-06 ***
ind2 -0.0203271 0.0076790 -2.647 0.00814 **
mw 0.1000058 0.1185443 0.844 0.39892
so 0.0590348 0.1071524 0.551 0.58170
we 0.1070730 0.1173880 0.912 0.36174
exp1:exp2 NA NA NA NA
exp1:exp3 NA NA NA NA
exp1:exp4 -0.0154773 0.0324014 -0.478 0.63290
exp1:shs -0.3655660 0.2241355 -1.631 0.10295
exp1:hsg -0.0872036 0.0723121 -1.206 0.22790
exp1:scl -0.0877190 0.0528018 -1.661 0.09672 .
exp1:clg -0.0448492 0.0319558 -1.403 0.16054
exp1:occ2 0.0017415 0.0018413 0.946 0.34431
exp1:ind2 0.0006614 0.0021592 0.306 0.75937
exp1:mw -0.0177427 0.0315136 -0.563 0.57345
exp1:so 0.0068205 0.0278941 0.245 0.80684
exp1:we -0.0106886 0.0315461 -0.339 0.73476
exp2:exp3 NA NA NA NA
exp2:exp4 0.0253399 0.0549125 0.461 0.64449
exp2:shs 3.2517652 1.7043879 1.908 0.05646 .
exp2:hsg 0.8260811 0.6758047 1.222 0.22163
exp2:scl 0.8244532 0.5379554 1.533 0.12544
exp2:clg 0.3103536 0.3859653 0.804 0.42138
exp2:occ2 -0.0256483 0.0189029 -1.357 0.17489
exp2:ind2 -0.0064101 0.0215917 -0.297 0.76657
exp2:mw 0.1118794 0.3277397 0.341 0.73284
exp2:so -0.0296200 0.2863447 -0.103 0.91762
exp2:we 0.1610522 0.3289716 0.490 0.62446
exp3:exp4 -0.0017785 0.0037133 -0.479 0.63199
exp3:shs -1.0955552 0.5316414 -2.061 0.03938 *
exp3:hsg -0.2845745 0.2478395 -1.148 0.25093
exp3:scl -0.2716782 0.2082679 -1.304 0.19213
exp3:clg -0.0575082 0.1656527 -0.347 0.72848
exp3:occ2 0.0121038 0.0071930 1.683 0.09249 .
exp3:ind2 0.0039878 0.0081100 0.492 0.62294
exp3:mw -0.0323487 0.1257788 -0.257 0.79704
exp3:so -0.0089914 0.1081201 -0.083 0.93373
exp3:we -0.0692433 0.1265415 -0.547 0.58427
exp4:shs 0.1229824 0.0581239 2.116 0.03440 *
exp4:hsg 0.0332181 0.0308733 1.076 0.28200
exp4:scl 0.0296681 0.0269001 1.103 0.27012
exp4:clg 0.0004832 0.0228505 0.021 0.98313
exp4:occ2 -0.0017545 0.0008997 -1.950 0.05122 .
exp4:ind2 -0.0007445 0.0010089 -0.738 0.46057
exp4:mw 0.0025865 0.0158330 0.163 0.87024
exp4:so 0.0031431 0.0133641 0.235 0.81407
exp4:we 0.0083434 0.0159458 0.523 0.60083
shs:hsg NA NA NA NA
shs:scl NA NA NA NA
shs:clg NA NA NA NA
shs:occ2 0.0117950 0.0108832 1.084 0.27851
shs:ind2 -0.0060826 0.0097555 -0.624 0.53298
shs:mw -0.0553633 0.1711424 -0.323 0.74634
shs:so -0.0917162 0.1595041 -0.575 0.56531
shs:we 0.3294645 0.1718442 1.917 0.05527 .
hsg:scl NA NA NA NA
hsg:clg NA NA NA NA
hsg:occ2 0.0160702 0.0048987 3.280 0.00104 **
hsg:ind2 0.0010522 0.0055110 0.191 0.84859
hsg:mw -0.1136003 0.0795354 -1.428 0.15327
hsg:so -0.1896137 0.0734389 -2.582 0.00985 **
hsg:we -0.0144124 0.0782891 -0.184 0.85395
scl:clg NA NA NA NA
scl:occ2 0.0063711 0.0046063 1.383 0.16668
scl:ind2 0.0019307 0.0053230 0.363 0.71683
scl:mw -0.0835733 0.0750574 -1.113 0.26556
scl:so -0.1016680 0.0690405 -1.473 0.14093
scl:we 0.0625579 0.0741913 0.843 0.39916
clg:occ2 0.0033082 0.0044378 0.745 0.45603
clg:ind2 0.0049356 0.0050629 0.975 0.32969
clg:mw -0.0442317 0.0692762 -0.638 0.52319
clg:so -0.0777453 0.0613241 -1.268 0.20494
clg:we -0.0332471 0.0667061 -0.498 0.61822
occ2:ind2 0.0002593 0.0002069 1.254 0.21006
occ2:mw 0.0072283 0.0034031 2.124 0.03372 *
occ2:so 0.0007315 0.0032890 0.222 0.82402
occ2:we 0.0009160 0.0035135 0.261 0.79434
ind2:mw -0.0029011 0.0038057 -0.762 0.44592
ind2:so 0.0003376 0.0036861 0.092 0.92704
ind2:we -0.0065410 0.0039548 -1.654 0.09820 .
mw:so NA NA NA NA
mw:we NA NA NA NA
so:we NA NA NA NA
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 0.4962 on 5069 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.2551, Adjusted R-squared: 0.2433
F-statistic: 21.7 on 80 and 5069 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Number of Extra-Flex Controls 92
Coefficient for OLS with extra flex controls -0.09674132
# models
extraflex_y <- lwage ~ (exp1 + exp2 + exp3 + exp4 + shs + hsg + scl + clg + occ2 + ind2 + mw + so + we)^2 # model for Y
extraflex_d <- sex ~ (exp1 + exp2 + exp3 + exp4 + shs + hsg + scl + clg + occ2 + ind2 + mw + so + we)^2 # model for D
# partialling-out the linear effect of W from Y
t_Y <- rlasso(extraflex_y, data=data)$res
# partialling-out the linear effect of W from D
t_D <- rlasso(extraflex_d, data=data)$res
# regression of Y on D after partialling-out the effect of W
partial_lasso_fit <- lm(t_Y~t_D)
partial_lasso_est <- summary(partial_lasso_fit)$coef[2,1]
cat("Coefficient for D via partialling-out using lasso", partial_lasso_est)
# standard error
HCV_coefs <- vcovHC(partial_lasso_fit, type = 'HC')
partial_lasso_se <- sqrt(diag(HCV_coefs))[2]
Coefficient for D via partialling-out using lasso -0.09916518
table<- matrix(0, 2, 2)
table[1,1]<- control_est
table[1,2]<- control_se
table[2,1]<- partial_lasso_est
table[2,2]<- partial_lasso_se
colnames(table)<- c("Estimate","Std. Error")
rownames(table)<- c("full reg","partial reg via lasso")
Estimate | Std. Error | |
full reg | -0.09674132 | 0.01476431 |
partial reg via lasso | -0.09916518 | 0.01481612 |
In this case p/n = 20%, that is \(p/n\) is no longer small and we start seeing the differences between unregularized partialling out and regularized partialling out with lasso (double lasso). The results based on double lasso have rigorous guarantees in this non-small p/n regime under approximate sparsity. The results based on OLS still have guarantees in p/n< 1 regime under assumptions laid out in Cattaneo, Newey, and Jansson (2018), without approximate sparsity, although other regularity conditions are needed.