19. DML inference using NN for gun ownership#
In this lab, we estimate the effect of gun ownership on the homicide rate using a neural network.
install.packages("librarian", quiet = T)
quiet = T
also installing the dependency ‘BiocManager’
These packages will be installed:
'keras', 'lfe'
It may take some time.
also installing the dependencies ‘Rcpp’, ‘RcppTOML’, ‘here’, ‘png’, ‘config’, ‘tfautograph’, ‘zoo’, ‘reticulate’, ‘tensorflow’, ‘tfruns’, ‘zeallot’, ‘Formula’, ‘xtable’, ‘sandwich’
Warning message in system("timedatectl", intern = TRUE):
“running command 'timedatectl' had status 1”
First, we need to load and preprocess the data.
# read in dataset
data <- read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/d2cml-ai/14.388_R/main/Data/gun_clean.csv", show_col_types = F)
################## Find Variable Names from the Dataset ###################
varlist <- function (df=NULL,type=c("numeric","factor","character"), pattern="", exclude=NULL) {
vars <- character(0)
if (any(type %in% "numeric")) {
vars <- c(vars,names(df)[sapply(df,is.numeric)])
if (any(type %in% "factor")) {
vars <- c(vars,names(df)[sapply(df,is.factor)])
if (any(type %in% "character")) {
vars <- c(vars,names(df)[sapply(df,is.character)])
vars[(!vars %in% exclude) & grepl(vars,pattern=pattern)]
########################### Create Variables ##############################
# dummy variables for year and county fixed effects
fixed <- grep("X_Jfips", names(data), value=TRUE, fixed=TRUE)
year <- varlist(data, pattern="X_Tyear")
# census control variables
census <- NULL
census_var <- c("^AGE", "^BN", "^BP", "^BZ", "^ED", "^EL","^HI", "^HS", "^INC", "^LF", "^LN", "^PI", "^PO", "^PP", "^PV", "^SPR", "^VS")
for(i in 1:length(census_var)){
census <- append(census, varlist(data, pattern=census_var[i]))
############################### Variables #################################
# treatment variable
d <- "logfssl"
# outcome variable
y <- "logghomr"
# other control variables
X1 <- c("logrobr", "logburg", "burg_missing", "robrate_missing")
X2 <- c("newblack", "newfhh", "newmove", "newdens", "newmal")
###################### Partial-out Fixed Effects #########################
# new dataset for partialled-out variables
rdata <- as.data.frame(data$CountyCode)
colnames(rdata) <- "CountyCode"
# variables to partial-out
varlist <- c(y, d,X1, X2, census)
# partial out year and county fixed effects from variables in varlist
for(i in 1:length(varlist)){
form <- as.formula(paste(varlist[i], "~", paste(paste(year,collapse="+"), paste(fixed,collapse="+"), sep="+")))
rdata[, varlist[i]] <- lm(form, data)$residuals
New names:
• `` -> `...1`
19.1. DML for neural nets#
The following algorithm consumes \(Y\),\(D\) and \(Z\), and learns the residuals \(\tilde{Y}\) and \(\tilde{D}\) via a neural network, where the residuals are obtained by cross-validation (cross-fitting). Then, it prints the estimated coefficient \(\beta\) and the clustered standard error from the final OLS regression.
DML2.for.NN <- function(z, d, y, nfold=2, clu, num_epochs, batch_size) {
nobs <- nrow(z) # number of observations
foldid <- rep.int(1:nfold,times = ceiling(nobs/nfold))[sample.int(nobs)] # define folds indices
I <- split(1:nobs, foldid) # split observation indices into folds
ytil <- dtil <- rep(NA, nobs)
cat("fold: ")
for(b in 1:length(I)){
# normalize the data
mean <- apply(z[-I[[b]],], 2, mean)
std <- apply(z[-I[[b]],], 2, sd)
z[-I[[b]],] <- scale(z[-I[[b]],], center = mean, scale = std)
z[I[[b]],] <- scale(z[I[[b]],], center = mean, scale = std)
# building the model with 3 layers, the ReLU activation function, mse loss and rmsprop optimizer
build_model <- function(){
model <- keras_model_sequential() %>%
layer_dense(units = 16, activation = "relu",
input_shape = dim(z[-I[[b]],][2]))%>%
layer_dense(units = 16, activation = "relu") %>%
layer_dense(units = 1)
model %>% compile(
optimizer = "rmsprop",
loss = "mse",
metrics = c("mae")
model.Y <- build_model()
model.D <- build_model()
# fitting the model
model.D %>% fit(z[-I[[b]],], d[-I[[b]]],
epochs = num_epochs, batch_size = batch_size, verbose = 0)
model.Y %>% fit(z[-I[[b]],], y[-I[[b]]],
epochs = num_epochs, batch_size = batch_size, verbose = 0)
dhat <- model.D %>% predict(z[I[[b]],])
yhat <- model.Y %>% predict(z[I[[b]],])
dtil[I[[b]]] <- (d[I[[b]]] - dhat) # record residual for the left-out fold
ytil[I[[b]]] <- (y[I[[b]]] - yhat) # record residial for the left-out fold
cat(b," ")
#rfit <- lm(ytil ~ dtil) # estimate the main parameter by regressing one residual on the other
data <- data.frame(cbind(ytil, dtil, as.matrix(clu)))
rfit <- felm(ytil ~ dtil|0|0|CountyCode,data=data)
coef.est <- coef(rfit)[2] # extract the coefficient
#HC <- vcovHC(rfit)
se <- summary(rfit,robust=T)$coefficients[2,2] # record robust standard error by county
cat(sprintf("\ncoef (se) = %g (%g)\n", coef.est , se)) # print the output
return( list(coef.est =coef.est , se=se, dtil=dtil, ytil=ytil, rfit=rfit) ) # save the output and residuals
19.2. Estimating the effect with DML for neural nets#
# treatment variable
D <- rdata[which(colnames(rdata) == d)]
# outcome variable
Y <- rdata[which(colnames(rdata) == y)]
# construct matrix Z
Z <- rdata[which(colnames(rdata) %in% c(X1,X2,census))]
# inputs
y_nn <- as.matrix(Y)
d_nn <- as.matrix(D)
z_nn <- as.matrix(Z)
clu <- rdata[which(colnames(rdata) == "CountyCode")]
# DML with a NN
DML2.nn = DML2.for.NN(z_nn, d_nn, y_nn, nfold=2, clu, 100, 10)
Loaded Tensorflow version 2.8.2
1 2
coef (se) = 0.351552 (0.180514)