18. DML inference for gun ownership#

We consider the problem of estimating the effect of gun ownership on the homicide rate. For this purpose, we estimate the following partially linear model

\[ Y_{j,t} = \beta D_{j,(t-1)} + g(Z_{j,t}) + \epsilon_{j,t}. \]

18.1. Data#

\(Y_{j,t}\) is the log homicide rate in county \(j\) at time \(t\), \(D_{j, t-1}\) is the log fraction of suicides committed with a firearm in county \(j\) at time \(t-1\), which we use as a proxy for gun ownership, and \(Z_{j,t}\) is a set of demographic and economic characteristics of county \(j\) at time \(t\). The parameter \(\beta\) is the effect of gun ownership on homicide rates, controlling for county-level demographic and economic characteristics.

The sample covers 195 large United States counties between the years 1980 through 1999, giving us 3900 observations.

install.packages("librarian", quiet = T)
  quiet = T
data <- read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/d2cml-ai/14.388_R/main/Data/gun_clean.csv", show_col_types = F) 
New names:
 `` -> `...1`
Rows: 3900 Columns: 415
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: ","
dbl (415): ...1, CountyCode, logfssl, BPS030D, BPS130D, BPS230D, BNK010D, BN...

 Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
 Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.

18.1.1. Preprocessing#

To account for heterogeneity across counties and time trends in all variables, we remove from them county-specific and time-specific effects in the following preprocessing.

##################### Find Variable Names from Dataset ######################

varlist <- function (df=NULL,type=c("numeric","factor","character"), pattern="", exclude=NULL) {
  vars <- character(0)
  if (any(type %in% "numeric")) {
    vars <- c(vars,names(df)[sapply(df,is.numeric)])
  if (any(type %in% "factor")) {
    vars <- c(vars,names(df)[sapply(df,is.factor)])
  if (any(type %in% "character")) {
    vars <- c(vars,names(df)[sapply(df,is.character)])
  vars[(!vars %in% exclude) & grepl(vars,pattern=pattern)]

############################# Create Variables ##############################

# dummy variables for year and county fixed effects
fixed  <- grep("X_Jfips", names(data), value=TRUE, fixed=TRUE)
year   <- varlist(data, pattern="X_Tyear")

# census control variables
census     <- NULL
census_var <- c("^AGE", "^BN", "^BP", "^BZ", "^ED", "^EL","^HI", "^HS", "^INC", "^LF", "^LN", "^PI", "^PO", "^PP", "^PV", "^SPR", "^VS")

for(i in 1:length(census_var)){
    census  <- append(census, varlist(data, pattern=census_var[i])) 

################################ Variables ##################################
# treatment variable
d     <- "logfssl"

# outcome variable
y     <- "logghomr"

# other control variables
X1    <- c("logrobr", "logburg", "burg_missing", "robrate_missing")
X2    <- c("newblack", "newfhh", "newmove", "newdens", "newmal")

######################## Partial out Fixed Effects ##########################

# new dataset for partialled-out variables
rdata    <- as.data.frame(data$CountyCode) 
colnames(rdata) <- "CountyCode"

# variables to partial out
varlist <- c(y, d,X1, X2, census)

# partial out year and county fixed effect from variables in varlist
for(i in 1:length(varlist)){
  form <- as.formula(paste(varlist[i], "~", paste(paste(year,collapse="+"),  paste(fixed,collapse="+"), sep="+")))
  rdata[, varlist[i]] <- lm(form, data)$residuals

Now, we can construct the treatment variable, the outcome variable and the matrix \(Z\) that includes the control variables.

# treatment variable
D     <- rdata[which(colnames(rdata) == d)]

# outcome variable
Y     <- rdata[which(colnames(rdata) == y)]

# construct matrix Z
Z <- rdata[which(colnames(rdata) %in% c(X1,X2,census))]
  1. 3900
  2. 195

We have 195 control variables in total. The control variables \(Z_{j,t}\) are from the U.S. Census Bureau and contain demographic and economic characteristics of the counties such as the age distribution, the income distribution, crime rates, federal spending, home ownership rates, house prices, educational attainment, voting paterns, employment statistics, and migration rates.

clu <- rdata[which(colnames(rdata) == "CountyCode")] # for clustering the standard errors
data <- data.frame(cbind(Y, D, Z,as.matrix(clu)))
library(lfe) # linear group fixed effects package

18.2. The effect of gun ownership#

18.2.1. OLS#

After preprocessing the data, as a baseline model, we first look at simple regression of \(Y_{j,t}\) on \(D_{j,t-1}\) without controls.

# baseline_formula <- as.formula(paste(y, "~", d ))
# baseline.ols <- lm(baseline_formula,data=rdata)

baseline.ols <- felm(logghomr ~ logfssl |0|0| CountyCode,data=data) # ols with clustered standard errors
est_baseline <- summary(baseline.ols)$coef[2,]
2.5 %
97.5 %
Cluster s.e.
t value

The point estimate is \(0.282\) with the confidence interval ranging from 0.155 to 0.41. This suggests that increases in gun ownership rates are related to gun homicide rates - if gun ownership increases by 1% relative to a trend then the predicted gun homicide rate goes up by 0.28%, without controlling for counties’ characteristics.

Since our goal is to estimate the effect of gun ownership after controlling for a rich set county characteristics, we next include the controls. First, we estimate the model by ols and then by an array of the modern regression methods using the double machine learning approach.

control_formula <- as.formula(paste("logghomr", "~", paste("logfssl",paste(colnames(Z),collapse="+"),
                                                           sep="+"),"|0|0| CountyCode"))
control.ols <- felm(control_formula,data=data) # fixed effects lm function
est_ols <- summary(control.ols)$coef[2,]
Warning message in chol.default(mat, pivot = TRUE, tol = tol):
“the matrix is either rank-deficient or indefinite”
Warning message in chol.default(mat, pivot = TRUE, tol = tol):
“the matrix is either rank-deficient or indefinite”
2.5 %
97.5 %
Cluster s.e.
t value

After controlling for a rich set of characteristics, the point estimate of gun ownership reduces to \(0.19\).

18.2.2. DML algorithm#

Here we perform inference on the predictive coefficient \(\beta\) in our partially linear statistical model,

\[ Y = D\beta + g(Z) + \epsilon, \quad E (\epsilon | D, Z) = 0, \]

using the double machine learning approach.

For \(\tilde Y = Y- E(Y|Z)\) and \(\tilde D= D- E(D|Z)\), we can write

\[ \tilde Y = \alpha \tilde D + \epsilon, \quad E (\epsilon |\tilde D) =0. \]

Using cross-fitting, we employ modern regression methods to build estimators \(\hat \ell(Z)\) and \(\hat m(Z)\) of \(\ell(Z):=E(Y|Z)\) and \(m(Z):=E(D|Z)\) to obtain the estimates of the residualized quantities:

\[ \tilde Y_i = Y_i - \hat \ell (Z_i), \quad \tilde D_i = D_i - \hat m(Z_i), \quad \text{ for each } i = 1,\dots,n. \]

Finally, using ordinary least squares of \(\tilde Y_i\) on \(\tilde D_i\), we obtain the estimate of \(\beta\).

The following algorithm comsumes \(Y, D, Z\), and a machine learning method for learning the residuals \(\tilde Y\) and \(\tilde D\), where the residuals are obtained by cross-validation (cross-fitting). Then, it prints the estimated coefficient \(\beta\) and the corresponding standard error from the final OLS regression.

DML2.for.PLM <- function(z, d, y, dreg, yreg, nfold=2, clu) {
  nobs <- nrow(z) # number of observations
  foldid <- rep.int(1:nfold,times = ceiling(nobs/nfold))[sample.int(nobs)] # define folds indices
  I <- split(1:nobs, foldid)  # split observation indices into folds  
  ytil <- dtil <- rep(NA, nobs)
  cat("fold: ")
  for(b in 1:length(I)){
    dfit <- dreg(z[-I[[b]],], d[-I[[b]]]) # take a fold out
    yfit <- yreg(z[-I[[b]],], y[-I[[b]]]) # take a fold out
    dhat <- predict(dfit, z[I[[b]],], type="response") # predict the left-out fold 
    yhat <- predict(yfit, z[I[[b]],], type="response") # predict the left-out fold  
    dtil[I[[b]]] <- (d[I[[b]]] - dhat) # record residual for the left-out fold
    ytil[I[[b]]] <- (y[I[[b]]] - yhat) # record residial for the left-out fold
    cat(b," ")
  #rfit <- lm(ytil ~ dtil) # estimate the main parameter by regressing one residual on the other
  data <- data.frame(cbind(ytil, dtil, as.matrix(clu)))
  rfit <- felm(ytil ~ dtil|0|0|CountyCode,data=data) 
  coef.est <- coef(rfit)[2] # extract coefficient
  #HC <- vcovHC(rfit)
  se    <- summary(rfit,robust=T)$coefficients[2,2] # record robust standard error by county
  cat(sprintf("\ncoef (se) = %g (%g)\n", coef.est , se)) # print output
  return( list(coef.est =coef.est , se=se, dtil=dtil, ytil=ytil, rfit=rfit) ) # save output and residuals 

Now, we apply the Double Machine Learning (DML) approach with different machine learning methods. First, we load the relevant libraries.

Let us, construct the input matrices.

y <- as.matrix(Y)
d <- as.matrix(D)
z <- as.matrix(Z)
clu <- rdata[which(colnames(rdata) == "CountyCode")]
A data.frame: 6 × 3
1-0.13477752 0.0961270771073
2-0.23962152 0.0808093731073
3-0.07867716 0.0573399161073
4-0.33146546 0.0816944831073
5-0.31663980 0.0253655141073
6 0.10513190-0.0067772641073

In the following, we apply the DML approach with the different versions of lasso.

18.2.3. Lasso#

# DML with Lasso:
dreg <- function(z,d){ rlasso(z,d, post=FALSE) } # ML method= lasso from hdm 
yreg <- function(z,y){ rlasso(z,y, post=FALSE) } # ML method = lasso from hdm
DML2.lasso = DML2.for.PLM(z, d, y, dreg, yreg, nfold=10,clu)
fold: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  
coef (se) = 0.222807 (0.0570267)
# DML with Post-Lasso:
dreg <- function(z,d){ rlasso(z,d, post=T) } # ML method= lasso from hdm 
yreg <- function(z,y){ rlasso(z,y, post=T) } # ML method = lasso from hdm
DML2.post = DML2.for.PLM(z, d, y, dreg, yreg, nfold=10, clu)
fold: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  
coef (se) = 0.226934 (0.0561918)
# DML with cross-validated Lasso:
dreg <- function(z,d){ cv.glmnet(z,d,family="gaussian", alpha=1) } # ML method = lasso from glmnet 
yreg <- function(z,y){ cv.glmnet(z,y,family="gaussian", alpha=1) } # ML method = lasso from glmnet 
DML2.lasso.cv = DML2.for.PLM(z, d, y, dreg, yreg, nfold=10, clu)

dreg <- function(z,d){ cv.glmnet(z,d,family="gaussian", alpha=0.5) } # ML method = elastic net from glmnet 
yreg <- function(z,y){ cv.glmnet(z,y,family="gaussian", alpha=0.5) } # ML method = elastic net from glmnet 
DML2.elnet = DML2.for.PLM(z, d, y, dreg, yreg, nfold=10, clu)

dreg <- function(z,d){ cv.glmnet(z,d,family="gaussian", alpha=0) } # ML method = ridge from glmnet 
yreg <- function(z,y){ cv.glmnet(z,y,family="gaussian", alpha=0) } # ML method = ridge from glmnet 
DML2.ridge = DML2.for.PLM(z, d, y, dreg, yreg, nfold=10, clu)
fold: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  
coef (se) = 0.200474 (0.0576411)
fold: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  
coef (se) = 0.206117 (0.0574622)
fold: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  
coef (se) = 0.201379 (0.0579066)

Here we also compute DML with OLS used as the ML method

dreg <- function(z,d){  glmnet(z,d,family="gaussian", lambda=0) } # ML method = ols from glmnet 
yreg <- function(z,y){  glmnet(z,y,family="gaussian", lambda=0) }  # ML method = ols from glmnet 
DML2.ols = DML2.for.PLM(z, d, y, dreg, yreg, nfold=10, clu)
fold: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  
coef (se) = 0.222905 (0.0540549)

Next, we also apply Random Forest for comparison purposes.

18.2.4. Random Forest#

# DML with Random Forest:
dreg <- function(z,d){ randomForest(z, d) } # ML method = random forest 
yreg <- function(z,y){ randomForest(z, y) } # ML method = random forest
DML2.RF = DML2.for.PLM(z, d, y, dreg, yreg, nfold=2, clu) # set folds to 2 to limit computation time
fold: 1  2  
coef (se) = 0.187472 (0.0581976)

We conclude that the gun ownership rates are related to gun homicide rates - if gun ownership increases by 1% relative to a trend then the predicted gun homicide rate goes up by about 0.20% controlling for counties’ characteristics.

Finally, let’s see which method is best. We compute RMSE for predicting D and Y, and see which of the methods works better.

mods<- list(DML2.ols, DML2.lasso, DML2.post, DML2.lasso.cv, DML2.ridge, DML2.elnet, DML2.RF)

RMSE.mdl<- function(mdl) {
RMSEY <- sqrt(mean(mdl$ytil)^2) 
RMSED <- sqrt(mean(mdl$dtil)^2) 


Res<- lapply(mods, RMSE.mdl)

prRes.Y<- c( Res[[1]]$RMSEY,Res[[2]]$RMSEY, Res[[3]]$RMSEY, Res[[4]]$RMSEY, Res[[5]]$RMSEY,  Res[[6]]$RMSEY, Res[[7]]$RMSEY)
prRes.D<- c( Res[[1]]$RMSED,Res[[2]]$RMSED, Res[[3]]$RMSED, Res[[4]]$RMSED, Res[[5]]$RMSED, Res[[6]]$RMSED, Res[[7]]$RMSED)

prRes<- rbind(prRes.Y, prRes.D); 
rownames(prRes)<- c("RMSE D", "RMSE Y");
colnames(prRes)<- c("OLS", "Lasso", "Post-Lasso", "CV Lasso", "CV Ridge", "CV Elnet", "RF")
               OLS       Lasso  Post-Lasso    CV Lasso    CV Ridge    CV Elnet
RMSE D 1.08679e-04 3.25471e-05 1.32656e-04 3.85574e-04 2.56496e-04 0.000824198
RMSE Y 6.53256e-05 3.73226e-05 6.89649e-05 6.22797e-05 2.76534e-06 0.000025963
RMSE D 0.01148251
RMSE Y 0.00137841

It looks like the best method for predicting D is Lasso, and the best method for predicting Y is CV Ridge.

dreg <- function(z,d){ rlasso(z,d, post=T) } # ML method = lasso from hdm 
yreg <- function(z,y){ cv.glmnet(z,y,family="gaussian", alpha=0) }  # ML method = ridge from glmnet 
DML2.best= DML2.for.PLM(z, d, y, dreg, yreg, nfold=10, clu)
fold: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  
coef (se) = 0.218937 (0.056254)

Let’s organize the results in a table.

# library(xtable)

table <- matrix(0,9,2)
table[1,1] <- as.numeric(est_baseline[1])
table[2,1] <- as.numeric(est_ols[1])
table[3,1]   <- as.numeric(DML2.lasso$coef.est)
table[4,1]   <- as.numeric(DML2.post$coef.est)
table[5,1]  <-as.numeric(DML2.lasso.cv$coef.est)
table[6,1] <-as.numeric(DML2.elnet$coef.est)
table[7,1] <-as.numeric(DML2.ridge$coef.est)
table[8,1] <-as.numeric(DML2.RF$coef.est)
table[9,1] <-as.numeric(DML2.best$coef.est)
table[1,2] <- as.numeric(est_baseline[2])
table[2,2] <- as.numeric(est_ols[2])
table[3,2]   <- as.numeric(DML2.lasso$se)
table[4,2]   <- as.numeric(DML2.post$se)
table[5,2]  <-as.numeric(DML2.lasso.cv$se)
table[6,2] <-as.numeric(DML2.elnet$se)
table[7,2] <-as.numeric(DML2.ridge$se)
table[8,2] <-as.numeric(DML2.RF$se)
table[9,2] <-as.numeric(DML2.best$se)

# print results
colnames(table) <- c("Estimate","Standard Error")
rownames(table) <- c("Baseline OLS", "Least Squares with controls", "Lasso", "Post-Lasso", "CV Lasso","CV Elnet", "CV Ridge", "Random Forest", 
A matrix: 9 × 2 of type dbl
EstimateStandard Error
Baseline OLS0.28230450.06481080
Least Squares with controls0.19064470.05244756
CV Lasso0.20047420.05764115
CV Elnet0.20611700.05746222
CV Ridge0.20137890.05790663
Random Forest0.18747170.05819764